Africa Trade and Investment Program

Speeches Shim

This continent-wide program drives trade and investment to, from, and within the African continent.

Women working in factory.

A Continental Scope

The USAID Africa Trade and Investment program is designed to bolster USAID’s ability to boost trade and investment to, from, and within the African continent. The continent-wide program is USAID’s flagship effort under the Prosper Africa initiative and will expand and accelerate two-way trade and investment between African nations and the United States. The program, which runs through 2026, will generate thousands of jobs across the African continent and within the United States, deliver billions in exports and investments, mobilize private-sector driven solutions, and create healthy business environments.

The USAID Africa Trade and Investment program will do this through a sector-agnostic, continental approach, representing a fundamental shift in how USAID normally programs resources. Supply chains cut across regions and countries, with the private sector evaluating the opportunities of markets rather than countries. The USAID Africa Trade and Investment program mirrors the private sector’s approach and enables USAID to be more responsive to private sector needs than ever. The program will work hand-in-hand with the private sector to identify opportunities that deliver development impact, bring value to the private sector, and position the continent for future growth. 

A Proven Approach

The program allows USAID to work closely with the private sector to shape activities that unlock business opportunities, particularly those that drive trade and investment into and out of African markets. We do this through a range of services, such as:

  • Market intelligence, assessments, and feasibility studies;
  • Market linkages and trade services;
  • Fund and financial instrument design and structuring;
  • Financial advisory services;
  • Capacity building services;
  • Policy and regulatory services

A Partner-Centric Model

USAID’s Africa Trade and Investment program is built on partnerships. Its ability to attract private sector partners–especially local businesses and those new to USAID–is at the heart of the program’s long-term success.

Its streamlined partnership process makes it easy for new private sector partners to tap into subcontracts and grants with USAID and for USAID to access the expertise needed to spur trade and investment across the African continent. 

For questions about the partner network, please contact: 

Latest Stats, Stories, and Resources

The latest quarterly reports: ATI Year 1, Quarter 1; ATI Year 1, Quarter 2

The fact sheet

Last updated: June 21, 2022

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