• Through the Central African Regional Program on the Environment (CARPE), USAID works to conserve tropical forests throughout the region.

Flag of Republic of the Congo

Republic of the Congo

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

The Republic of the Congo is relatively rich in natural resources, including forests, oil and other mineral resources, and it has the deepest port in Africa. A civil war in 1997 led to years of unrest, but stability has now returned. However, the country continues to struggle to restore democratic governance. More than 80 percent of the population is literate, and primary education is widespread among both girls and boys.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

USAID/Democratic Republic of the Congo
198 Isiro Avenue
Kinshasa / Gombe
Democratic Republic of the Congo
+254 20 862 2000
+243 81 700 5701

USAID Contact

Crystal Garrett
1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW
, DC 

Last updated: August 05, 2022

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