Flag of Madagascar


Language: English | French
ARO Baobab Project
ARO-Baobab project: Combining research and conservation actions, while providing solutions for local communities
A Message from the USAID Madagascar Mission Director for Earth Day
Earth Day - Climate Change
Sustainable Vanilla - Improving Incomes and Health in Madagascar
Sustainable Vanilla – Improves Incomes and Health in Madagascar

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

About Madagascar

USAID has worked for 37 years to help the Malagasy people accomplish their development goals in the face of ongoing challenges.  The United States provides development assistance in the areas of health, food security, disaster assistance, and the environment through non-governmental organizations, community associations, and other private groups and in coordination with the government of Madagascar.  Critical assistance in the areas of public health and food security  touches the lives of hundreds of thousands of Malagasy people throughout the country.  Read More

USAID in Action

Contact Information

Mission Contact

Lot 207 A, Point Liberty, Andranoro-Antehiroka
B.P. 5253
Antananarivo 105
+261 20 23 480 00
+261 20 23 480 44

USAID Contact

Honore Tchou
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
, DC 

Last updated: September 14, 2022

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