Flag of Somalia


A Somalia Growth, Enterprise, Employment and Livelihoods-supported sesame farmer weeds sesame plants at a demonstration and training plot in Afgoye, Somalia. / SATG
Somalia’s Sesame Seed Farmers Prosper
Somalia children listen attentively to Somali folktales under the storytelling tent at the Mogadishu Book Fair. / Ismail Taxta, UNICEF/Somalia
Somalia - The next Generation of Storytellers
Somali Fish Value Chain
Untapping Somalia's natural resources

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

Since 1991, Somalia has essentially been a collapsed state and has experienced chronic food insecurity, widespread violence, and recurring droughts and floods.  The social costs of war have been enormous, leaving Somalia with some of the lowest human development indicators in the world.  Sustained life-saving assistance, coupled with interventions aimed at building resilience, are critical to helping vulnerable households meet basic needs, reduce malnutrition, and protect livelihoods.

Somalis are forging a promising path forward, after years of state failure and conflict.  The creation of regional states, rebuilding of institutions, and positive re-engagement with the international community point to a brighter future for the country and the region. USAID supports Somalia's aspirations for durable stability, democracy and prosperity. We help save lives, alleviate human suffering, and build resilience to disasters.

USAID is also working to reduce the appeal of extremism in Somalia through programming that fosters good governance, promotes economic recovery and growth, offers youth skills training, and works to increase social cohesion through improved community with government relationships. Our programs are planned and carried out with local partners in the context of Somali culture and values.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

PO Box 629
Village Market 00621
+254 20 862 2000
+254 20 862 2680

USAID Contact

Cara George / Sanskruti Majmudar
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
, DC 
202-227-0116 / 202-322-2675

Last updated: December 19, 2022

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