Flag of Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Language: English | French
ACCELERE!1 - Project Video
Improving Educational Outcomes for Girls and Boys in DRC
USAID Administrator Green visits Ebola Treatment Unit in Katwa, DRC
USAID Administrator Green visits Ebola Treatment Unit in Katwa, DRC
Kangaroo Care HD
Kangaroo Care

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

About Democratic Republic of the Congo

Because of its size, natural resource, and geo-political importance, the DRC has the potential to become a top contributor to African economic growth and stability. Strategically located at the center of the African continent and sharing borders with nine countries, the DRC is the second largest country in Africa with the fourth largest population. Its unparalleled natural resource wealth includes cobalt, copper, gold, tantalum, tin, diamonds, petroleum, and water. However, corruption, weak institutions and a lack of human capacity and basic infrastructure have impeded development.   

Since DRC’s independence in 1960, USAID has partnered with the government and people to improve Congolese citizens’ quality of life, increase the effectiveness of national institutions, and strengthen the foundation for durable peace in eastern DRC.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

John Dunlop, Mission Director
198 Isiro Avenue
Kinshasa / Gombe
Democratic Republic of the Congo
+243 81 700 5701

USAID Contact

Carla Komich / Nate Roth
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
, DC 
202-712-0568 / 202-712-5967

Last updated: October 04, 2022

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