Map of Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

Ebola: From Recovery to Self-Reliance
Ebola: From Recovery to Self-Reliance
Moving from Recovery to Self-Reliance: USAID Impact in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone
Moving from Recovery to Self-Reliance: USAID Impact in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

The country’s population (7.1 million people) is very young with 45.8% under the age of 15, and 74.8% below age 35. The economy remains centered on agriculture, which is the main source of livelihood for around 50 percent of the adult working population, making economic diversification in the country exceptionally difficult. The Government of Sierra Leone is working to move the agriculture sector from subsistence levels to greater productivity and higher value market crops. 

Huge investments have been made in the health and education sectors in order to spur improvements in child and maternal mortality, and in educational access and outcomes, which will allow Sierra Leone to harness the full potential of its human capital. 

Notwithstanding these advantages, reforms and initiatives, Sierra Leone still has pervasive issues to overcome including high youth unemployment, corruption and weak governance. Problems of poor infrastructure and widespread rural and urban impoverishment persist as well. Adding to these challenges are customary laws, institutional and economic barriers and widely held cultural and social beliefs acting as significant barriers to women’s full integration into the decision-making sphere at the household, community, and national levels.

USAID works closely with the Government of Sierra Leone and other donors to ensure that basic socio-economic and health services are accessible to those most in need and that Sierra Leone is resilient and prepared to respond adequately to future public crises.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

Cheryl Ann Anderson, Mission Director
c/o U.S. Embassy, Room 2014
South Ridge - Hill Station
Sierra Leone
+232 76 515000

USAID Contact

Chris Merriman
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
, DC 

Last updated: October 26, 2022

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