Get Involved

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Inspired by the work that USAID does? Want to get involved? You're in the right place.

Learn about our work

Sharpen your knowledge

  • Travel and attend cultural events or festivals to broaden your understanding of the world
  • Follow the news regularly to keep up to date on international affairs
  • Learn mapping skills and develop leadership skills by participating in YouthMappers
  • Learn a foreign language, especially one of the critical need languages
  • Apply to the American Foreign Service Association High School Essay Contest
  • Visit to access a world of resources for and by young changemakers
  • Join a school club or organization to increase your exposure to international development and foreign policy, such as Model United Nations, Model European Union, Debate Club, or Mock Trial
  • Subscribe to the USAID Newsletter
  • Subscribe to an RSS feeds of interest
  • Access Information Resources which provides links to extensive data resources concerning development and foreign assistance.
  • Download our Mobile Apps which provide in-depth data and research about USAID's work around the world.

Join The Conversation


  • Apply to Farmer to Farmer which connects volunteer experts from the U.S. to respond to the local needs of host-country farmers and organizations.
  • Volunteer with the Peace Corps in one of more than 60 countries:
  • Volunteer with local communities and causes you are passionate about in your local area

Work With Us

Speak Up!

  • Do you have an idea for a project?  
  • Think we can do something better?
  • Have a question about US assistance?

We want to hear your thoughts and comments. Contact us here.

Last updated: March 08, 2022

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