Map of Senegal


Language: English | French
Lecture Pour Tous, helping all children read in Senegal
Lecture Pour Tous, helping all children read in Senegal
USAID/Senegal:  50 Years of Partnership
USAID/Senegal: 50 Years of Partnership
Yaajeende Community Based Solution Providers
Yaajeende Community Based Solution Providers

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

In the past decade, Senegal has progressed significantly both economically and politically as a moderate, democratic, predominantly Muslim country in fragile West Africa. However, poor infrastructure, longstanding underinvestment, and an inhibiting policy environment continue to challenge growth. 
With the Government of Senegal, USAID improves lives by creating jobs, improving access to education and health care, strengthening democratic institutions, and developing the agriculture sector to increase production and incomes. 

Contact Information

Mission Contact

c/o U.S. Embassy
Route des Almadies
B.P. 49 Dakar
+221 33 879 4000

USAID Contact

Madeline Roth
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC
, 20523 

Last updated: November 22, 2022

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