
USAID/Senegal COVID-19 Response - Lecture Pour Tous
Mitigating Learning Loss Due to COVID-19 in Senegal
Education Today, Opportunity Tomorrow
Education Today, Opportunity Tomorrow
Improving Education for Deaf Students in Kenya
Improving Education for Deaf Students in Kenya

Speeches Shim

Education is Transformational

When children and youth are prepared to go to school, learn, and gain the skills they need for life and work, they are able to build more hopeful and prosperous futures for themselves, their families, communities, and countries. Unfortunately, as a result of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, education systems worldwide have been devastated, and many schools are closed while children, youth, teachers, and families face even greater challenges. USAID remains committed to working with our partners in more than 50 countries to ensure that learners and communities stay safe and continue to learn.

USAID is helping our partner countries, learners, and communities stay safe and continue to learn during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Learn more here.

Our Focus

The U.S. Government Strategy on International Basic Education guides our work overall across U.S. departments and agencies. The Strategy works to achieve a world where education systems in partner countries enable all individuals to acquire the education and skills needed to be productive members of society.

The USAID Center for Education within the Bureau for Development, Democracy and Innovation (DDI) advances the USAID Education Policy which aims to achieve sustained, measurable improvements in learning outcomes and skills development. The principles of the policy are:

  • Prioritize country-focus and ownership
  • Focus and concentrate investments on measurably and sustainably improving learning and educational outcomes
  • Strengthen systems and develop capacity in local institutions
  • Work in partnership and leverage resources
  • Drive decision-making and investments using evidence and data
  • Promote equity and inclusion

The priorities of the policy are:

  • Children and youth, particularly the most marginalized and vulnerable, have increased access to quality education.
  • Children and youth gain literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional skills that are critical to future learning.
  • Youth gain the skills they need to lead productive lives, gain employment, and positively contribute to society.
  • Higher education institutions have the capacity to be central actors in development.

The USAID Education Policy: English / French / Spanish

Supporting opportunities for lifelong learning allows countries and societies to prepare for and adapt to changing economies and environments.
-USAID Education Policy

The USAID Education Policy is accompanied by Program Cycle Implementation and Operational Guidance, which provides information on operational aspects of the policy. USAID also supports EducationLinks, a website to help international education practitioners design and manage effective education programs. EducationLinks will share innovations and lessons learned on implementation of the USAID Education Policy.


Results and Progress

USAID recognizes that achieving sustainable solutions to global challenges in education and beyond requires us to work in close collaboration with countries, partners of all sizes, citizens and the wider development community. In FY 2020 alone, USAID’s global education programs achieved the following:

  • Provided more than 24 million children and youth in over 50 countries with access to education
  • Trained more than 300,000 education officials, administrators, and teachers
  • Assisted more than 93,000 public and private schools at the pre-primary, primary, and secondary levels
  • Provided more than 580 higher education institutions with capacity development support

USAID Education Strategy Progress Report 2018-2021 (PDF - 9MB)

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Last updated: October 21, 2022

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