Flag of Eswatini


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The Kingdom of Eswatini (in short form, Eswatini) is a small country almost completely surrounded by South Africa. Due in large part to its geographic position, the economy is heavily dependent upon trade with South Africa. Due in large part to its geographic position, its economy is heavily dependent upon trade with South Africa.

The country has a relatively high per capita income and widespread primary education, but nearly 70 percent of the population lives in poverty.

Non-Africans living in the country conduct most high-level economic activity. With the highest rate of HIV infection in the world – 27 percent of adults – Eswatini is facing a staggering pandemic. WIth tuberculosis also at crisis levels, overall life expectancy is below 50 years of age. 

The majority of USAID’s work is in Eswatini is related to the President’s Emergency Plan for HIV/AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program. Other programs managed out of USAID's Southern Africa regional office in Pretoria include a democracy and governance activity focusing on judicial independence and human rights, and an economic growth activity that reduces obstacles to foreign investment to expand the textile and garment industry. 


Contact Information

Mission Contact

USAID/Southern Africa
100 Totius Street, P.O. Box 43
South Africa
+27 12 452 2000
+27 12 460 3177

USAID Contact

Stephaney Divers
1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW
, DC 

Last updated: November 09, 2022

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