Country Development Cooperation Strategies (CDCS)

Speeches Shim

Cover page of Ghana's CDCS

USAID’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCSs) are grounded in development theory, practice, literature, and experience from implementation, and support USAID’s mission to promote and demonstrate democratic values abroad, and advance a free, peaceful, and prosperous world. They set forth a high-level Goal supported by Development Objectives (DOs) or, in the case of a regional strategy (RDCS), Regional Development Objectives (RDOs), that each Mission, in collaboration with its development partners, will work to address during the strategy period. Missions use portfolio reviews and midcourse stocktakings to adapt strategies to changes in country context, development needs, new priorities, and evidence from implementation and development literature

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant managerial, operational, and developmental challenges to all of our Missions and country partners worldwide. R/CDCSs were based on  information available at the time of approval. As part of the mandatory portfolio reviews and midcourse stocktakings noted above, Missions will continue to monitor the potential impact and reflect upon changing contexts, and update their strategies for these and other emerging priorities, as needed.

Listed below, please find the current list of approved CDCSs. Some CDCSs have been extended beyond the timeline noted on the cover sheet. A fact sheet with all dates is available here. Climate change annexes (if not included in the CDCS) can be found here.

For information on USAID’s country and/or regional strategic planning process, please refer to the ADS Chapter on Program Cycle Operational Policy, section 201.3.2.


Last updated: March 21, 2022

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