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Country Development Cooperation Strategy

Speeches Shim

The goal statement of the USAID/Cambodia Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) is “Cambodia becomes a more open, prosperous, resilient, and inclusive partner in the Indo-Pacific region.” The goal supports the United States’ approach to a free and open Indo-Pacific through sustainable development, strengthened sovereignty, and enhanced cooperation. Further, this goal reinforces the priorities of the Royal Government of Cambodia as articulated in its own development strategy, particularly with respect to enhancing livelihoods and welfare, improving efficiency and quality of government services, and promoting rule of law and human rights.

USAID will work to achieve this goal through three complementary development objectives (DOs):

  • DO1: Inclusive and sustainable economic growth broadened
  • DO2: Health, education, and welfare of Cambodians improved through enhanced services
  • DO3: Human rights protected and government accountability advanced

The new strategy aims to bolster private sector engagement across the entire portfolio to catalyze investments into local systems and markets so that they become self-sustaining; improve transparency and increase government accountability by building coalitions with key stakeholders across sectors including women and youth; and heighten inclusive development so that more Cambodians are able to participate in and benefit from the country’s economic progress while exercising the fundamental freedoms promised in its Constitution.

Last updated: October 04, 2022

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