Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) - Sri Lanka, 2020-2025

Speeches Shim

The goal of USAID/Sri Lanka’s 2021-2025 CDCS is a democratic and more inclusive and self-reliant Indo-Pacific partner. This goal reflects the ideas underpinning USAID’s Journey to Self-Reliance and the U.S. Government’s support for a free and open Indo-Pacific, as well as Sri Lankan priorities articulated in its Vision for Prosperity and Splendour. Leveraging relationships developed though USAID’s long history in Sri Lanka and harnessing the strengths of the Island’s independent oversight agencies, civil society, and private sector, this strategy seeks to assist Sri Lanka to advance a free and open democracy that ensures that all Sri Lankans have a voice in governance; advance necessary fiscal and governance reforms to address deepening economic challenges, leverage private-sector solutions to increase the country’s economic outlook; and bolster the resilience of the country’s vast and breathtaking natural resources against shocks and stresses, including the negative effects of climate change. Throughout, USAID will seek to reduce ethnic, religious, cultural and gender disparities that threaten to exclude Sri Lankans from fully enjoying economic, social, and political opportunity and that undermine the establishment of a single Sri Lankan identity supporting unity, inclusion, and a shared sense of investment in the country’s future. Above all, however, this strategy seeks to reaffirm USAID’s commitment to Sri Lanka, offering a partnership that bolsters Sri Lankan self-reliance, respects Sri Lankan sovereignty, and advances Sri Lankan prosperity.

Issuing Country 
Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - 1:45pm

Last updated: March 15, 2022