Flag of Democratic Republic of the Congo

Country Development Cooperation Strategy

Speeches Shim

The goal of USAID/Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC’s) 2020-2025 Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) is: A More Peaceful and Prosperous DRC with Improved Opportunities for Communities and Individuals to Thrive. This high-level goal encapsulates USAID’s long-term vision of a DRC where all communities and people are empowered to move their country closer to self-reliance.

USAID’s new strategic approach emphasizes three points: partnership, integration, and adaptation. Over the next five years, USAID will partner with individuals, communities, and institutions and increase their ability to generate and achieve locally-led solutions. Recognizing the complexity of DRC’s development problems, USAID will employ an integrated, multisectoral approach to solving them, building on lessons learned under the previous CDCS. In particular, USAID will better align its humanitarian and development programming, ensuring that short-term, emergency programming is layered and sequenced with longer-term development programming. The DRC's difficult and uncertain operating environment, which is subject to recurrent crises, makes programming challenging. Consequently, this strategy will employ an adaptive approach focused on risk mitigation and management throughout the program cycle.

Last updated: October 04, 2022

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