Flag of Moldova

Country Development Cooperation Strategy

Speeches Shim

USAID’s goal for the 2020-2025 Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) is to support Moldova in being a competitive and democratic European country that resists malign influences while being powered by an aspiring citizenry and robust private sector partnerships.  USAID’s strategic approach centers on strengthening collaborations between the government and private sector as well as between civil society and the people of Moldova, all in support of a mutually embraced development agenda for the country’s further Euro-Atlantic integration.

The key to the realization of this strategy will be the achievement of two development objectives (DOs): (1) strengthened participatory democracy and, (2) sustainable economic growth. These DOs will enable USAID to support Moldova to take charge of its development and increase commitment and capacity in its journey towards self-reliance. 

Development Objective 1, Strengthened Participatory Democracy,  USAID will build off its successful partnership with Local Public Administrations (LPAs) and Local Action Groups as models of multiple stakeholder partnerships to drive participation and development gains that match citizen priorities. With USAID and other donor support – along with strong endorsement from an empowered citizenry – a more competitive, rights-respecting media environment will support independent outlets, electoral reforms will reduce political influence in credible elections and vulnerability to influences antithetical to participatory democracy will be reduced. Empowering constituencies from diverse ethnic, linguistic, and ideological backgrounds will unite Moldovans in a common goal and help reduce polarization in Moldovan society.

Development Objective 2, Sustainable Economic Growth Rooted in Euro-Atlantic Integration, USAID will partner with the Moldovan government and the private sector to address these challenges. USAID will harness the dynamism and agility of the private sector to increase product sophistication and competitiveness in the marketplace, to provide for market-responsive training, and to offer attractive in-country jobs that will mitigate outward migration. This development objective builds on legacy successes, while referencing the findings of the Moldova Competitiveness Project mid-term evaluation and sector assessment. USAID will work in partnership with business associations and government entities to seek necessary policy reforms and address regulatory and trading constraints, including energy. USAID will also enhance engagement with the private sector to foster sustainable economic growth while strengthening Moldova’s competitiveness in EU markets.

This CDCS was developed and finalized in 2020 as COVID-19 became a global pandemic. USAID/Moldova will continue to monitor its potential impact and if needed, the Mission will re-evaluate the strategic approach.

Last updated: February 24, 2021

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