Flag of Guinea

Country Development Cooperation Strategy

Speeches Shim

USAID’s goal under the 2020-2025 CDCS is: More participatory governance for a healthier, more prosperous Guinea. Two Development Objectives will support the goal: Development Objective 1 - Increased Capacity and Commitment of the Local Health System for Better Health Outcomes, and Development Objective 2 - Democratic and Economic Governance Strengthened. The Mission will shift from a focus on supporting central government institutions to engaging with committed government, private sector, and civil society actors at the local level to advance health, governance, and economic opportunities. The Mission expects this grassroots approach to bolster democratic governance across development sectors by building norms of citizen participation in decisions that affect their lives with institutions closest to them.

The objective of the United States in Guinea is to bolster the development of a stable and democratic Guinea as a security, economic, and political partner in West Africa. Consistent with the National Security Strategy and the State-USAID Joint Regional Strategy, the U.S. Government seeks to achieve the following four goals through the Integrated Country Strategy for Guinea: 1) Advance Mutual Peace and Security Interests, 2) Encourage Mutually Beneficial Trade and Investment Between the U.S. and Guinea, 3) Transform Guinean Health Systems to Accelerate Reductions in Mortality, and 4) Strengthen Democracy, Human Rights, and Good Governance. USAID will directly contribute toward the third and fourth goals with the 2020-2025 CDCS.

Last updated: October 26, 2022

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