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Investing in opportunities for women and youth employment.
Investing in opportunities for women and youth employment.

Brief description of these infographics

  • USAID Assistance in addressing COVID 19 in Kosovo: For more than a half-century, the United States has been the largest contributor to global health security and humanitarian assistance.
  • USAID After School Support for Teens aims to develop employability and entrepreneurial skills in youth, increase the likelihood of them making informed career choices, and increase their positive attitude
    towards future. 
  • USAID Commercial Justice Activity is working on reforms that promote investment, economic growth, and job creation. 
  • USAID Compete Activity aims to improve the export competitiveness of the private sector in the wood processing, food processing and ICT sectors. 
  • USAID Economic Governance Activity is a five-year initiative to improve selfreliant, inclusive governance and strengthen public financial management to facilitate economic growth, reducing the public perception of and opportunities for economic corruption, thereby encouraging investment in Kosovo's economy.
  • USAID Justice Activity strengthens Kosovo's justice system by applying a people-centered approach to justice.
  • Kosovo Youth Dialogue is a 30-month project with the main goal of empowering young people to actively participate in the dealing with the past and reconciliation  process in Kosovo by encouraging inter-ethnic communication, interaction and cooperation, addressing common interests, building confidence and promoting mutual  understanding and positive attitudes.
  • USAID Responsive, Effective, Accountable Governance is designed to improve improve legislative and political responsiveness to citizen needs, by advancing the principles of political integrity, legislative transparency, government accountability, and citizen inclusion to enrich public discourse, increase citizens' political agency, and increase political focus on citizen needs. 
  • USAID Transparent, Effective and Accountable Municipalities activity in Kosovo is a five-year anti-corruption project, established in January 2017, that supports Kosovo municipalities in public procurement, internal audit, public financial management, and human resources to ensure that processes are efficient and standardized, limiting human discretion and increasing transparency in public procurement

Last updated: August 13, 2021

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