Flag of Kosovo

Our Work

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Kosovo is the youngest country in Europe, both in terms of its democratic institutions and in the demographics of its population.  USAID’s vision for a legacy in Kosovo is a post-war generation that respects the past but emerges as leaders with a vision for the future that is multi-ethnic, based on the rule of law, and a market economy.  

With USAID’s support, Kosovo has made considerable progress over the last twenty years, building self-governing institutions, a viable economy, and a vibrant civil society.  The primary challenge is to have Kosovo—its government and its people—own its development agenda and increasingly become self-reliant.  To help the Government of Kosovo (GoK) and Kosovo’s citizens become architects of their own development, USAID partners with the government, civil society, the private sector, other donors, and various communities to carve solutions to developmental challenges.  

Working together with partners, USAID promotes government accountability and leverages new democratic and economic opportunities for all Kosovo’s citizens.  USAID’s new Country Development Strategy (CDCS) 2020 - 2025 for Kosovo underscores these priorities and has a deliberate focus on inclusive development and supporting an inclusive Kosovo identity.  


Last updated: May 14, 2021

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