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Increased opportunities for inclusive democratic and economic participation 

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Made in Kosovo products reaching international markets
Kosovo wood products reaching EU markets.
Association of Wood Producers and Processors of Kosovo


USAID strives to support greater democratic and economic opportunities for all Kosovo citizens while amplifying the less heard voices of women, youth, and minorities.  USAID partners with the private sector, donors, and civil society to identify and pursue economic opportunities and bolster citizen engagement in democratic processes and initiatives.  USAID activities are geared to facilitate generating more economic opportunities by increasing competitiveness, improving energy security, and developing a capable workforce.  With a focus on citizen-led initiatives and collaboration, USAID will engage and create opportunities for all.  

High unemployment rates, widespread informality, heavy reliance on remittances, and perennial corruption continue to impede the expansion of democratic and economic opportunities in Kosovo. USAID will engage citizens, especially youth, to participate actively in democratic processes and contribute to social cohesion.   To reduce unemployment, USAID is aligning skills with market needs.  USAID also will engage the private sector as a partner and a catalyst for creative solutions by building market linkages and increasing the quantity and quality of high-demand goods and services.  As local businesses grow and generate greater profits, they become better able to plan, finance, and create more jobs, contributing to Kosovo’s development.


Last updated: June 09, 2021

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