Administrator Samantha Power’s Meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti

Press Release Shim

Speeches Shim

For Immediate Release

Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Office of Press Relations

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Rebecca Chalif:‎

Today, Administrator Samantha Power met with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti to reaffirm USAID’s unwavering support for the country’s democratic and economic aspirations and its European and Euro-Atlantic path. Prime Minister Kurti underscored the deep friendship and partnership between the people of both countries, and Administrator Power recognized Prime Minister Kurti for Kosovo’s proactive leadership to address climate change and strengthen long-term energy security.

The Administrator and Prime Minister Kurti discussed a range of issues related to Kosovo’s economy, which experienced double-digit growth last year, and spoke about ways that both USAID and Kosovo’s diaspora in the United States can support further economic progress in the country. Administrator Power also recognized the Government of Kosovo for recent steps to improve transparency and counter corruption.

The Administrator thanked Prime Minister Kurti for Kosovo’s stalwart support for Ukraine and its commitment to accepting thousands of Ukrainian refugees fleeing Putin’s brutal war. She also thanked Kosovo for agreeing to temporarily host Afghans undergoing processing for potential entry to the United States, nearly 600 of whom have already relocated to the U.S.

Administrator Power and Prime Minister Kurti discussed the ramifications of the war in Ukraine for the Balkans region, and Administrator Power emphasized that the U.S., in concert with the European Union and other international partners, is committed to partnering with Kosovo to address these challenges, noting that the country is not a stranger to the subversive tactics the Kremlin has been using for many years to undermine democracies across Europe and Eurasia.

Last updated: May 18, 2022

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