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Private Sector Engagement

Speeches Shim

Private Sector Engagement
Private Sector is the backbone of Kosovo's journey to self-reliance

The private sector is an important stakeholder that drives and sustains outcomes capable of moving Kosovo forward on its journey to self-reliance.  More so, the private sector is the driving force behind innovations and solutions to challenges and has enormous potential as a catalyst in Kosovo’s development agenda. 

In addition to its traditional partnership with the private sector, USAID promotes the private sector’s role as a sculptor of Kosovo’s democratic and economic progress and educates the public about the important role of the private sector for Kosovo’s self-reliance.  USAID believes that by strengthening public-private dialogue on major economic reforms, the private sector is put in the driver's seat for influencing policy that is meaningful to overall growth.  By engaging the private sector in a holistic systems approach, USAID supports enterprise-driven development and helps the private sector expand into and penetrate new markets.  Additionally, by putting the private sector and local stakeholders in the lead, USAID ensures these programs will be sustainable, locally owned, and self-reliant. 

Over time, USAID expects that engagement of the private sector will further diversify USAID’s partner base to include more private enterprises (e.g., financial investors and businesses of all sizes from across many industries), in addition to strong continued collaboration with traditional development partners. 

Last updated: September 09, 2021

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