CBLD-9 Capacity Building Indicator Resource Page

Speeches Shim



CBLD-9 Steps

  1. Define performance improvement priorities with the partner organization (and its stakeholders).
  2. Analyze and assess gaps between current and desired performance.
  3. Select and implement solutions that contribute to performance improvement.
  4. Monitor and measure change in performance.

USAID’s Local Capacity Strengthening Policy focuses on strengthening and measuring the capacity of local actors and local systems to achieve and sustain results.  

USAID uses the Standard Foreign Assistance Indicator CBLD-9 to track Agency-wide progress to strengthen the performance of local organizations.  

CBLD-9 measures the percent of U.S. Government-assisted organizations with improved performance.  

On this page, you can access a range of resources related to the CBLD-9 indicator, including:

Last updated: October 19, 2022

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