New Partnership Initiative Awards

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The goal of the New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) is to diversify USAID’s partner base and multiply its development impact by elevating local leadership, fostering creativity and innovation, and mobilizing resources across the Agency’s programs. NPI allows USAID to work with a more diverse range of partners, strengthen existing partner relationships, and provide more entry points for organizations to work with the Agency.

Since the launch of NPI in May 2019, we have seen great success in working with partners that are new and underutilized (NUPs). 

To date, USAID had formed 29 partnerships with nearly 60 organizations, valued at over $400 million. 

Highlighted below are the partnerships that USAID has formed to date through NPI. These partnerships are organized by Annual Program Statements released by USAID.

"Together We Learn" (Juntos Aprendemos)

Global Health Annual Program Statement

Conflict Prevention and Recovery Program Annual Program Statement

Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative

YouthPower2 Annual Program Statement

Higher Education for Leadership, Innovation, and Exchange Annual Program Statement

Lebanon: Initiative to Deliver Essential Assistance and Services Broad Agency Announcement

Small Business Applied Research Program

NPI Aligned Awards


Juntos Aprendemos, or “Together we Learn”, increases youth, ages 3 to 17, access to quality education in areas impacted by migration. The activity helps youth develop skills needed for learning and future success by improving their participation, retention, and performance in school. The activity works with local and national actors like the Ministry of Education, the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF), and civil society organizations (CSOs) to understand and address youth’s barriers to educational access.


Zambia: USAID Empowered Children and Adolescents Programs: USAID issued three distinct awards, totalling $60 million, to local Zambian partners who are key contributors to USAID’s New Partnerships Initiative and PEPFAR Local Partner goals. The activities work to mitigate the impact of HIV and improve the health and wellbeing of Vulnerable Children and Adolescents (VCA) through delivery of high-impact, evidence-informed, and age-appropriate interventions customized for each VCA sub-population using a family-centered approach.

  • Catholic Medical Mission Board Zambia, a local faith-based organization, was awarded a $19.5 million cooperative agreement to implement USAID Empowered Youth Program I in the Copperbelt and North-Western regions.

  • Project Concern Zambia, a local Zambian NGO, was awarded a $21.5 million cooperative agreement to implement USAID Empowered Youth Program II in the Central and Southern regions.

  • Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia, a local Zambian NGO, was awarded a $19.5 million cooperative agreement to implement USAID Empowered Youth Program III in the Lusaka, and Eastern provinces.

Palladium Group: EXPAND: USAID awarded a five-year, $85.5 million cooperative agreement to Palladium Group to provide sub-awards to new and underutilized local and locally established partners (LEPs). The award provides mentoring and technical assistance to strengthen the organizational and technical capacity of the LEPs. Over 32 sub-awards have been made to organizations in countries including Brazil, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Pakistan, Senegal, and Tanzania. 

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World Relief: Strengthening Community Health Outcomes through Positive Engagement (SCOPE): USAID awarded a five-year, $23.9 million cooperative agreement to World Relief to strengthen maternal and child health services in Haiti, Kenya, Malawi and South Sudan.

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Africa Christian Health Associations: Afya: The three-year, $15 million award to the Africa Christian Health Associations Platform (ACHAP), a first-time USAID prime partner, implements evidence-based and locally owned community health interventions that aim to reduce maternal and child mortality and morbidity in Kenya and Uganda. The sub-recipients, the Christian Health Association of Kenya and the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau, implement activities on the ground in Kenya and Uganda. 

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Americares and Christian Connections for International Health: Community Partnerships for Respectful Care (CPRC): The five-year, $8.7 million million cooperative agreement to Americares, in collaboration with local partners in Tanzania, CPRC works to strengthen maternal and child health services in Tanzania. CPRC builds on USAID’s support in the reproductive, maternal, neonatal, and child health sector, building upon past gains and aligning with ongoing programs to address gaps specific to respectful health care, all while working through underutilized partners whose potential to influence societal norms related to Respectful Maternal Care is yet to be harnessed. In Tanzania CPRC sub-grants to local organizations and strengthens the organizational capacity of local service delivery partners to be better positioned in the future for diversification of funding support as an organization. 

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Iraq: Approximately $4 million was awarded to six local groups in Northern Iraq to help religious and ethnic minorities targeted by ISIS, including:

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Central Asia: Aga Khan Foundation

Under the Global Partnerships Advance Conflict Transformation (GPACT), USAID and the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) announced a $37.5 million partnership to help reconnect communities and promote cross-border relationships in the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan. The partnership, Local Impact, will enable communities in the two countries to plan, fund, and manage their own development by using a co-creation process to develop their own solutions in collaboration with USAID and the AKF.

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Bangladesh: Relief International

The three-year, $5 million cooperative agreement, entitled Youth Entrepreneurship and Empowerment Support, is working in host communities in Cox's Bazar to provide vocational and conflict mitigation skills to youth. Relief International will serve in a mentorship role and will pass a minimum of 50 percent of total funding to local sub awardees, with a goal of moving them to qualify for direct awards. Relief International will work with the following local organizations to implement the activity:

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Bangladesh: Terre des Hommes Foundation

The three-year, $1.5 million cooperative agreement, entitled Youth Empowerment for Social Cohesion (YESC), is working in host communities in Cox's Bazar to address family stability and community resilience. The Terre des Hommes Foundation is an underutilized locally established partner and will serve in a mentorship role, passing a minimum of 50 percent of total funding to local sub awardees, with a goal of moving them to qualify for direct awards. Terre des hommes Foundation will work with the following two local organizations to implement the activity:

Indonesia: Stichting Hivos

Recent years have seen rising intolerance and the promotion of exclusivist religious practices and beliefs in Indonesia. The three-year, $3.3 million Stichting Hivos program addresses religious intolerance by 1) supporting young people to promote tolerance, pluralism, and interfaith and interethnic harmony, and 2) working with teachers and parents to support interfaith and interethnic tolerance in classrooms. Stichting Hivos will work with the following local organizations to implement the activity:

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Indonesia: Media Empowerment for Democratic Integrity and Accountability (MEDIA) USAID awarded the $8 million NPI/MEDIA Activity on August 11, 2020 with a period of performance of five (5) years. Internews Network provided a $400,000 cost share into the award. The MEDIA Activity will strengthen democracy and reduce the risk of conflict by increasing the availability of and access to quality information for local communities and national audiences. It will connect to citizen efforts to demand accountability and transparency on the issues that matter most in their communities. This effort will be led by new and underutilized implementing partners in Indonesia, with a top priority placed on capacity strengthening and mentorship support provided and facilitated by the Internews Network. The MEDIA activity will be national in scope, connecting actors and initiatives across the country, while at the same time targeting select provinces for focused local engagement.


Rainforest Alliance and the Asia Foundation: In partnership with the White House-led Women's Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Initiative, USAID's NPI has awarded $7.5 million to the Rainforest Alliance and $2.5 million to The Asia Foundation, which together will make nine sub-awards to new or underutilized local partners. The awards promote economic empowerment for at-risk and marginalized women, including survivors of trafficking and women affected by conflict, in the Republic of The Philippines and the Republics of Guatemala and Honduras and the United Mexican States. Activities under these awards will focus on developing and providing workforce and vocational training for women and innovative financial tools to allow them to gain access to capital, with the goal of increasing the economic power and income of women as employees and entrepreneurs. The W-GDP NPI Latin America award also will help women to obtain higher-paid jobs at later stages in supply-chains. The W-GDP NPI Philippines award will promote in-person and digital connectivity to support women entrepreneurs' access to information, markets, and opportunities.


International Research and Exchanges Board:  Five-year, $30 million NPI award to International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) with 10 planned sub-awards to youth-led organizations (YLOs) and youth-serving organizations (YSOs), of which half are local organizations. Through these grants, local YLOs and YSOs will customize the design of implementation-research initiatives in education, employment, health, and governance that respond directly to local programmatic and policy needs.


Pulte Institute for Global Development at the University of Notre Dame (UND): USAID awarded a program titled, "Supporting Holistic and Actionable Research in Education" (SHARE) to the Pulte Institute for Global Development at the University of Notre Dame (UND) in the amount of $40 million. SHARE will improve education and learning outcomes by strengthening national capacity to generate, translate, and use the high-quality data and evidence needed to inform education policy and programmatic decisions. This NPI activity will work with local and locally established higher-education institutions and research networks through a mentorship approach in the regions of Africa and Latin America, as well as in other countries such as the Kingdom of Cambodia.

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Lebanon: Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods is a $10 million award in partnership with the Rene Mouawad Foundation. This five-year project will work with approximately 105 municipalities in the North, Bekaa, South, and Mount Lebanon through training, technical assistance, infrastructure rehabilitation, and marketing to: improve livelihoods of more than 31,500 households (seven clusters with 15 municipalities in each and an average of 300 households per municipality); create 500 new jobs and sustain 1,000 others for beneficiaries involved and directly impacted by the project activities; assist 2,500 individuals to develop economic, income-generating activities.


Cambodia: Strengthens social accountability for public service delivery in urban areas of several Cambodian provinces. This effort, made up of several coordinated activities, will help citizens and authorities improve the availability and quality of services such as primary education, healthcare, waste collection, and administrative services. Awards were made to four organizations:

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NPI Aligned Awards

While not formally a part of the New Partnerships Initiative, Agency staff have begun to incorporate the principles of NPI into their awards. Highlighted below are several of these NPI aligned awards.

Iraq: Solidarity Fund: With co-funding from Polish Government, Solidarity Fund has implemented two sub-awards worth approximately $300,000 to date to local partners. This program will improve the health and livelihoods of disadvantaged populations, primarily IDPs, refugees, and religious and ethnic minorities, living in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

Iraq: Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is implementing the Transitional Assistance for IDPs in Erbil, Iraq, as a mentoring award to enable community-based organizations to support religious and ethnic minorities. This program will support persecuted minority IDPs in Erbil, Iraq, to access cash resources to meet essential needs and receive information and services to enable informed decisions about integration or return. The award is for $6.8 million.

Iraq: Catholic University of Erbil is implementing the Building Economic Empowerment for Minorities in the Iraq Kurdistan Region and Ninewa Plains. This program will support economic development, empowerment of ISIS victims and integration of national and religious minorities as full participants in Iraqi society. The award is for approximately $700,000.

Children in Adversity: Five-year, $10 million cooperative agreement to JSI Research & Training Institute to provide sub-awards to include local and new or underutilized partners to promote nurturing and protective family care and improve the safety, wellbeing, and development of vulnerable children in line with the U.S. Government Strategy Advancing Protection and Care for Children in Adversity.

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INVEST: USAID’s INVEST, implemented by Development Alternatives, Inc., has built a large and growing partner network of 246 firms working at the intersection of development and investment. Many are new or underutilized firms that have valuable technical expertise to offer USAID. INVEST builds the capacity of these firms to win new business from USAID and implement it successfully. 

  • Value of subcontracts issued to NUPS: $9,860,617
  • Percentage of subcontracts (based on dollar value) issued to NUPs: 48 percent
  • Number of firms subcontracted that are NUPs: 27
  • Percentage of partners subcontracted that are NUPs: 71percent
  • Number of firms that are NUPs in partner network*: 99
  • Percentage of partners that are NUPs in partner network*: 53 percent

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Last updated: January 25, 2022

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