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A woman carries a harvested crop

Name: USAID/Jordan Youth Grow Activity Addendum to the YouthPower 2 (YP2) Annual Program Statement (APS) No. 7200AA20APS00007
Respond by: Jan 19, 2023
Description of Activity: USAID/Jordan seeks to increase the meaningful participation of the youth of Jordan within their communities and in the economy. This will be achieved through three objectives: (a) Increase youth access to high-quality career planning information and livelihood opportunities; (b) Strengthen youth leadership through targeted support of local youth-led and youth-serving organizations in order to promote youth participation as decision makers and key contributors to individual, household, community, and national well-being; and (c) Strengthen Government of Jordan (GOJ) systems, in partnership with youth, to provide more coordinated and effective services, practices, and policies that embody the principles of Positive Youth Development (PYD). This integrated, cross-sectoral activity will focus on 15 to 29-year-old youth throughout Jordan.
See full details here.

Name: Jamaica Youth EMPOWERment Addendum to Youth Power 2 Annual Program Statement
Respond by:
 January 04, 2023
Description of Activity: Through this Addendum, USAID/Jamaica aims to empower high risk youth so they are more resilient to being victims and/or perpetrators of crime and violence. The activity will build relevant skills to bolster targeted youth’s ability to get more involved in their communities and improve their job readiness and skills to access gainful employment opportunities.
See full details here.

Last updated: November 30, 2022

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