NextGen Global Health Supply Chain

Speeches Shim

RFP for USAID Next Gen Qualifying, Testing, Issuing Project (QuTI) award:  On November 9, 2022, USAID posted on the Request For Proposals (RFP) for the ICL award. Please click on QUTI Award to access the RFP. (November 16, 2022)

In-Country Logistics(ICL) RFP: On July 29, 2022, USAID posted on Amendment 1 to the Request For Proposals (RFP) for the ICL award.  Please click on Amendment 1 to access the amended RFP and Questions and Answers regarding the RFP.  (August 2, 2022)

In-Country Logistics RFP:  On June 17, 2022, USAID posted on the Request For Proposals (RFP) for the ICL award. Please click on In-Country Logistics (“ICL”) requirement within the Next Generation Global Health Supply Chain Suite of Programs to access the RFP. (June 23, 2022)

Integrated PSA RFP: On April 22, 2022, USAID posted on Amendment 1 to the Request For Proposals (RFP) for the Integrated Procurement Service Agent (Integrated PSA) Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract. Please click on Amendment 1 to access the amended RFP and Questions and Answers regarding the RFP. (April 27, 2022)

Integrated PSA RFP. On March 14, 2022, USAID posted on a Request For Proposals (RFP) for the Integrated Procurement Service Agent (Integrated PSA) Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ). Please click on Integrated PSA RFP to access the RFP. (March 15, 2022)

Global Health Supply Chain (GHSC) Procurement Data has been updated to include Fiscal Year 2021 and can be found at GHSC Procurement Data FY 2021. POC: Xavier Tomsej; (March 14, 2022)

Risk Management: USAID held the Strategic Risk Management (SRM) virtual Industry Day (Networking Webinar) event on February 2, 2022.  Please click here to access the Q&As and slides on (February 11, 2022).   Please click here to access the Q&As and slides on (February 11, 2022).  On January 18, 2022, USAID posted on an invitation to a “Small Business Networking Event - USAID Strategic Risk Management (SRM) Webinar”   Please click here to access the posting.  Please Note: The SRM award is not a small business set-aside.  (January 19, 2022)

Comprehensive Technical Assistance RFP: On December 17, 2021, USAID posted on Amendment 2 to the Request For Proposals (RFP) for the Comprehensive Technical Assistance for Health Supply Chain and Pharmaceutical Management (Comprehensive TA) Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract.  Please click on Amendment 2 to access the amendment. (December 20, 2021)

Comprehensive Technical Assistance RFP: On November 26, 2021, USAID posted on Amendment 1 to the Request For Proposals (RFP) for the Comprehensive Technical Assistance for Health Supply Chain and Pharmaceutical Management (Comprehensive TA) Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract.  Please click on Amendment 1 to access the amended RFP and Questions and Answers regarding the RFP. (November 29, 2021)

Comprehensive Technical Assistance RFP: On October 28, 2021, USAID posted on a Request For Proposals (RFP) for the Comprehensive Technical Assistance for Health Supply Chain and Pharmaceutical Management (Comprehensive TA) Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract.  Please click on Comprehensive TA to access the RFP. (November 3, 2021)

NextGen Organizational Conflicts of Interest (OCI):  Please Click [176 PDF] for a summary of the NextGen organizational conflicts of interests, scope of preclusions and FAQs.(October 14,2021)

Procurement Service Agent (PSA) Laboratory and Molecular Diagnostics (PSA Diagnostics) Draft RFP: On October 8, 2021, USAID posted on a Draft RFP for the Procurement Service Agent (PSA) Laboratory and Molecular Diagnostics (PSA Diagnostics).  Please click on PSA Diagnostics. (October 13, 2021)

Integrated PSA Draft RFP: On September 3, 2021, USAID posted on a Draft RFP for the Procurement Service Agent- Malaria, Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition and Other Health Elements ("Integrated PSA").  Please click on Draft RFP Integrated PSA to access the draft RFP. (September 3, 2021)

Comp TA Draft RFP: On August 3, 2021, USAID posted on a Draft RFP for the Comprehensive Technical Assistance for Health Supply Chain and Pharmaceutical Management (Comprehensive TA) Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ. Please click on Draft RFP Comp TA to access the draft RFP. (August 3, 2021)

The Procurement Service Agent Awards Update: The Procurement Service Agent - Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition and Other Health Elements (PSA FP/RH, MCHN, Other) and Procurement Service Agent - Malaria (PSA Malaria) awards are now combined into Procurement Service Agent- Malaria, Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition and Other Health Elements ("Integrated PSA") award. (August 2, 2021)

NextGen Control Tower Contract Update: The Control Tower contract will be issued as a task order under the GSA Alliant 2 Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC). The RFQ is scheduled to be released in August of 2021. (July 15, 2021)

Global Health Supply Chain (GHSC) Procurement Data for 2019-2020 can be found at GHSC Procurement Data 2019-2020 or by going to USAID’s Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) and searching for “Global Health Supply Chain procurement data 2019-2020”. POC: Xavier Tomsej; (July 9, 2021)

Slides describing how the NextGen awards are expected to collaborate in such areas as product sourcing, ordering, quality assurance, etc. can be found in the Collaboration Slides [PDF 518K].  POC: Xavier Tomsej; (August 31, 2021)

NextGen Overview

In Calendar Year 2022, USAID plans for NextGen to replace USAID’s current Global Health Supply-Chain Program. Building on lessons learned over the last 15 years, through NextGen,  USAID is transforming its global health supply chain program to:

  • Maximize the availability, quality, and affordability of medicines and other health products and achieve better health outcomes for the clients served;
  • Strengthen local capacity;
  • Advance country-level sustainability and promote locally-managed procurement and supply chains in the countries where USAID works; and
  • Increase value for the U.S. taxpayer, and reduce the chances of waste, fraud, and diversion even further.

Through NextGen, USAID’s Bureau for Global Health will do the following:

  • Segment supply chains to meet the unique needs of the communities USAID assists and the characteristics of the products they need;
  • Accelerate the use of private-sector capabilities to improve service to our beneficiaries the client experience and the efficiency of supply-chains;
  • Re-focus technical assistance to support governments’ shift from acting as supply-chain operators to being stewards ensuring  of availability and security of health commodities by helping them create functional and efficient regulatory and oversight systems;
  • Increase visibility down to the point of service, to strengthen demand-planning; optimize operations and those of implementing partners; and promote the appropriate use of medicines and other health products by providers, pharmacists/dispensers, and consumers;
  • Use contract terms to incentivize the performance of implementing partners; and
  • Monitor and mitigate risks proactively to ensure a supply of affordable, quality-assured, safe, and effective products for our beneficiaries.

For the first time, the design of the USAID supply chain program strategically segments USAID’s demand for global procurement and logistics services by health program and medicine/commodity category separate potential contracts. This structure acknowledges the unique requirements of USAID’s different health programs and the drugs and supplies they need while building in a prudent redundancy. The design also includes integrated awards where there is alignment across health areas, such as in-country logistics services, quality assurance and technical assistance to governments and other partners on their health supply chains, that could benefit from consolidation.  A “Control Tower” award will support strong coordination between the contracts, enhance visibility and transparency, and improve USAID’s overall management of risk.

USAID has designed NextGen to attract new and underutilized partners, and create opportunities for best-in-class supply-chain operators and service providers.

NextGen Planned Awards 

Under NextGen, USAID anticipates awarding multiple contracts for periods of up to ten years, subject to the availability of funds. The following awards are planned for NextGen:

  • Control Tower (CT)
  • In-country Logistics (ICL)
  • Procurement Service Agent- Malaria, Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition and Other Health Elements ("Integrated PSA").
  • Procurement Service Agent- HIV (PSA HIV)
  • Procurement Service Agent- Lab, Diagnostics, and Molecular (PSA Diagnostics)
  • Qualifying, Testing and Issuing (QuTI)
  • Comprehensive Technical Assistance for Health Supply Chain and Pharmaceutical Management (Comprehensive TA)
  • NextGen Technical Assistance Marketplace for Health Supply Chain and Pharmaceutical Management (Marketplace TA)
  • Strategic Risk Management (SRM)

USAID encourages all firms with experience in supply chain management and logistics to consider applying when the final contract solicitations are released in Calendar Year 2022.

Business Forecasts 

Further details about NextGen’s future awards may be found on USAID’s Business Forecast website (keyword search “NextGen”).

Requests For Information  (RFIs)

RFIs are available at for the following awards:

  • Control Tower (CT)
  • In-country Logistics (ICL)
  • *Procurement Service Agent- Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition and Other Health Elements (PSA FP/RH, MCHN)
  • *Procurement Service Agent- Malaria (PSA Malaria)
  • Procurement Service Agent- HIV (PSA HIV)
  • Procurement Service Agent- Lab, Diagnostics, and Molecular (PSA Diagnostics)
  • Qualifying Testing Issuing (QuTI)
  • Comprehensive Technical Assistance for Health Supply Chain and Pharmaceutical Management (Comprehensive TA)
  • Strategic Risk Management (SRM)

*Subsequently combined into Procurement Service Agent- Malaria, Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition and Other Health Elements ("Integrated PSA").

NextGen Industry Day

On January 13, 2021, USAID hosted more than 1,400 attendees from 25 countries for a NextGen Global Health Supply Chain program Industry Day. Participants received information on a variety of topics including the planned architecture for NextGen, planned awards, as well USAID’s compliance guidance. Industry Day also provided an opportunity for businesses to network with each other and explore potential team arrangements..

USAID thanks all of the participants for their attention and contribution.

The Industry Day presentation, transcript, FAQs, and participant list can be found at Industry Day.

Last updated: November 16, 2022

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