Stories from NPI

Speeches Shim

A group of children smiling for the camera


As USAID further expands collaboration with diverse and nontraditional actors through the New Partnerships Initiative, we are inspired by the stories of partnering, innovation, and success being reported from the field. These stories demonstrate USAID’s commitment to inclusion, local leadership, and sustainable development.

Last updated: January 25, 2022

June 22, 2020

Lowering Barriers in Bangladesh Leads to Speedier Program Launches

Anar Khalil, of USAID’s Bangladesh Mission, is convinced that the traditional method of project design limits innovation, creativity, and responsiveness because of cost and limited partner engagement. Moreover, at times there is a disconnect with the reality on the ground because of the time it can take to design and make an award. Anar is the Senior Agriculture Private Sector Advisor with the Feed the Future team.

June 18, 2020

Bangladesh Co-Creation Leads to Innovative Solutions in Health Care Coverage

When Abdullah Akbar, a contracting officer at the USAID Mission in Dhaka, Bangladesh, first heard about the problem-solving exercise known as “co-creation,” he wasn’t convinced that the collaborative process would work.

May 5, 2020

All Development Is Local
By Dr. Alma Crumm Golden, USAID Assistant Administrator for Global Health

“To deliver on the Journey to Self-Reliance, it is essential we invest in building a new universe of great ideas and harness the talent of organizations across our partner countries,” writes Dr. Alma Crumm Golden. Read her reflections on the power of partnering with local organizations.

May 5, 2020

The Concept Note: The Good, The Bad and the Utterly Ugly 

Through the course of his decades-long career at USAID, senior contracting/agreement officer Chuck Pope has seen thousands of concept notes come through his office. Read his opinion about what goes into a superior document.

May 5, 2020

The New Partnerships Initiative: Reflections on Year 1
Q&A with Randy Tift, Chief Acquisition and Assistance Policy Officer

Fourteen NPI awards later, and with dozens more anticipated, Randy Tift, USAID Chief Acquisition and Assistance Policy Officer and one of NPI’s architects, looks back on the initiative’s first year.
