Mediation is helping reduce costs for its users and time in courts

Speeches Shim

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
USAID partnered with the justice leaders, private sector, licensed mediators, and experienced professionals to host Kosovo’s Mediation Week,
Faton Hasani, USAIDKosovo

In the past, civil disputes in Kosovo took years to resolve through the courts. The process is costly, long, and uncertain. But recently, the application of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method is making a remarkable impact. According to recent data, the number of civil cases resolved through mediation has increased from 184 in 2020 to 887 in 2021.

USAID’s Commercial Justice Activity, in partnership with Kosovo’s institutions, has been helping strengthen mediation, increase its use, and enhance its sustainability. As part of its continued effort to raise public and business awareness on the advantages that mediation offers, USAID partnered with the justice leaders, private sector, licensed mediators, and experienced professionals to host Kosovo’s Mediation Week, a series of roundtables and information sessions during September 19-26, 2022. 

The week of events provided private sector representatives, with a focus on start-ups and innovators, a deep-dive into a range of topics designed to provide specific information about new mediation developments and the advantages mediation offers to businesses. Engaging private sector stakeholders by conducting awareness and education events not only supports a better business environment in Kosovo, but also assists the private sector to establish a network and platform for exchanging mediation best practices and learning experiences across the region. 

Mediation, while still new in this part of the Balkans, is proving to be a great mechanism to resolve costly business disputes quickly and avoid having protracted and expensive litigation in court. The more effective and efficient options available to businesses to resolve disputes, the better the environment for new investments! 

Last updated: November 29, 2022

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