After School Support for Teens

Speeches Shim

ICT inspires teaching and learning of  21st century skills in Kosovo.
ICT inspires teaching and learning of 21st century skills in Kosovo.
FHI 360


USAID’s After School Support for Teens activity prepares Kosovo youth for life and work in the 21st century.  This five-year activity develops the employability and entrepreneurial skills of Kosovo’s youth and helps youth embrace a positive attitude for their future.


The After School Support for Teens activity helps schools implement key curricula to build life and work skills among students in grades ten through 12.  This includes offering career services, the use of technology, and programs that teach workforce and entrepreneurship skills.  This activity also helps schools implement the new curriculum’s requirement of practical, project-based learning by providing modern technology, training and mentoring to teachers, and establishing Career and Enterprise Hubs in partner schools. 


Career and Enterprise Hubs are classroom spaces transformed with parental and community support into modern facilities that mirror 21st -century workspaces. The hubs have several functions: 

  • Career Corners, designated spaces containing information, computer access to online portals;
  • Makerspaces, workspace equipped with modern technology where students can participate, during and after school hours, in practical, creative projects related to science, technology, and the arts;
  • Resource Center, spaces with scientific equipment, such as microscopes, sensors and probes, and technology such as video cameras; that help teachers facilitate practical, project -based learning to build students' workplace - related skills in all scholl subjects; and 
  • Presentation Facilities, spaces with a wall-mounted television and tablet computers where teachers and students can prepare and display presentations.  


USAID’s activity assists the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) in implementing its career education system and developing entrepreneurship skills in students.  The activity establishes career corners in partner schools, enhances MEST’s career portal with video materials and other content, and develops an accredited professional development course in career education for teachers.


Through Community Youth Mapping, the activity helps schools identify businesses that would like to develop workforce-related skills in young people.  Community Youth Mapping is a patented online resource that enables young people to conduct community-based surveys, analyze the results, and prepare reports.  USAID trains teachers and NGOs to use this tool and gain skills to become change agents and contribute meaningfully to their communities.  The activity also connects schools to the identified local businesses to provide high school students with work experience.


  • Supported schools in 16 of Kosovo’s municipalities:  Pristina, Gjakova, Kamenica, Gjilan, Viti, Hani i Elezit, Vushtrri, Fushe Kosova, Peja, Obiliq, Prizren, Istog, Suhareka, Lipjan, Rahovec, and Ferizaj.
  • Created student clubs, as well as makerspaces, in all sixteen of the participating schools.  
  • Trained 574 teachers in professional development courses.
  • 11,158 high school students gained knowledge and support, with 473 students gaining work experience in private companies. 
  • Shifted activities to online platforms during the pandemic to maximize impact.

Project Duration:      June 2017 – June 2022

Partner:                        Kosova Education Center (KEC)

Contact:                        Antigona Mustafa

Last updated: March 11, 2022

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