Flag of Guatemala

Transforming Lives

Language: English | Spanish

Speeches Shim

  • Story

    Job Hunting in a Red Zone

    How USAID is creating hope and opportunities for young people in Guatemala. Read the story

  • Story

    Prosperous, Secure, and Dignified Lives

    How USAID is connecting Guatemalans with seasonal work in the United States. Read the story

  • Story

    Harvesting the Rain

    How USAID is improving access to water in the Western Highlands of Guatemala. Read the story

  • Story

    Development Bound in Reading

    How USAID is improving reading skills for underserved students in Guatemala. Read the story

  • Video Series

    ¡Quédate aquí!

    It is a fundamental goal of USAID to support young Guatemalans to take control of their future and lead prosperous lives in Guatemala. ¡Quedate Aqui!, is a video series featuring a young Guatemalan who through USAID’s Puentes Project, hard work, and determination is now a successful member of their community. Watch the videos

  • Story

    Pinabetes Rooted in Guatemala

    How USAID is creating jobs and conserving native pine trees in Guatemala. Read the story

  • Story

    A Seat at the Table

    How USAID empowers women, youth, and people with disabilities that often are given little recognition or roles in decision making spaces. Read the story

  • Story

    Living with Dignity

    How USAID works with the private sector to provide comprehensive HIV prevention services. Read the story

  • Story

    Baking the World a Better Place

    How USAID is empowering women in Guatemala through entrepreneurial opportunities with seed capital and vocational training. Read the story

  • Story

    Addressing Hunger in Central America

    Four ways USAID promotes food security in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Read the story

  • Story

    Creating Inclusive Value Chains in Guatemala

    By developing value chains in five products -coffee, potatoes, poultry, macadamia nuts, and honey- USAID empowers women, youth, and indigenous peoples. Read the story

  • Story

    Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies

    USAID, bridging traditional midwifery practices with modern practices through young Indigenous women. Read the story

  • Story

    There’s an App for That

    How two sisters in Guatemala created an international tech company with USAID support. Read the story

  • Regional Story

    Generating Hope

    A new focus on opportunities and good governance for citizens of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Read the story

  • Story

    When Success Has the Color and Taste of Corn

    How USAID supported a Guatemalan food processing business to expand job opportunities for women. Read the story

  • Story

    Growing Through Technology

    USAID, through the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future Initiative, is leveraging AgTech to promote prosperity in the Guatemalan Western Highlands. Read the story

  • Story

    Two Sides of the Same Coin

    USAID supports small businesses and workforce development in Guatemala. Strengthening an economy can be as simple as getting the right applicant in front of the right employer. Read the story

  • Story

    Cultivating Hope

    A story of hope for Vicenta and her two sons, and how USAID is improving the lives of farmers through Coffee Value Chains in Guatemala. Read the story

  • Story

    Tasting Success One Cup of Coffee at a Time

    USAID’s inclusive value chain strategy is empowering a small-lot coffee collective to develop improved agricultural techniques, technical skills, and market opportunities in Guatemala’s Western Highlands. Read the story

  • Story

    A Future for His Family in Guatemala

    The story of a farmer in Guatemala’s Western Highlands, and how USAID is providing an alternate choice over irregular migration to the United States. Read the story

  • Story

    USAID Celebrates MAINA’s First Year of Operation

    The Integrated Attention Model for Children and Adolescents (MAINA) is the first center in Latin America to integrate justice sector institutions under one roof for the comprehensive care of youth victims of violence. Read the story

  • Story

    Constructing a Sustainable Future for Communities and Forests in Guatemala

    USAID’s work conserving biodiversity through economic opportunities. Read the story

  • Story

    USAID Strengthens the Private Sector Through Technology

    How one Guatemalan company is creating jobs and keeping people employed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the story

  • Story

    Bridging Youth with Opportunities Through Technology

    USAID’s Puentes Project is enabling youth between the ages of 15 and 24 to take control of their future by providing them with an education and the skills to access opportunities and improve their livelihoods. Read the story

  • Story

    Just Add Water

    San Rafael Pie de la Cuesta is one of six municipalities in the Western Highlands of Guatemala that benefits from USAID’s work through its Nexos Locales project in adapting communications technology to improve public service delivery. Read the story

  • Story

    Preventing and Treating HIV: Follow the “Golden Rule”

    To promote testing among the target groups of USAID’s Combination Prevention Program, the 46 private laboratories must participate in various sensitization and training workshops to ensure that high-quality and friendly services are provided for each client. Read the story

  • Story

    La Ruta Hacia La Prosperidad

    USAID’s support of La Ruta furthers Guatemala’s progress on the journey to self reliance as the Guatemalan Government is leading the initiative and responsible for identifying Guatemalan solutions to Guatemala’s challenges. Read the story

  • Story

    Las Rosas: Saving for the Future

    Women form a weaving cooperative to provide for their families and have dignified work. USAID helps them build the financial and organizational skills to make it successful. Read the story

  • Story

    Disease-Resistant Plants Help Guatemala Recover From Coffee Rust

    Training women to graft rust-resistant coffee seedlings prevents crop failure, conserves natural resources, increases economic security, and improves gender dynamics. Read the story

Last updated: October 21, 2022

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