Flag of Guatemala

Our Work

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USAID’s work emphasizes partnership as a means of building the self-reliance of partner countries so that they are better prepared to tackle their own ongoing challenges.

Beyond increasing partnerships with private sector entities, USAID/Guatemala seeks to use the private sector partnership model with government and non-governmental organizations across the country. Rather than arriving with solutions, USAID/Guatemala works to develop a shared understanding of the challenges, partner priorities and available resources in order to work as allies to address challenges.

USAID works across a wide array of sectors including Security & Justice, Governance, Economic Growth, Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Education, Food Security, and the Environment to improve living conditions and create new opportunities for Guatemalans at home. USAID’s strategy aligns with President Giammattei’s vision for Guatemala: private sector investment and job creation, decentralization of basic service delivery, and improved governance and security (including a focus on anti-extortion and reduction of human smuggling).

  • Security, Justice, and Governance

    USAID supports Guatemala to increase its resiliency to crime and violence, access to justice, and capacity to investigate and prosecute violent crimes, address corruption, and respond to illegal immigration. Learn more

  • Economic Growth

    USAID economic growth programs create jobs and boost incomes, improving living conditions for Guatemalans and reducing the need to migrate. Learn more

  • Health and Nutrition

    Health and nutrition interventions are part of USAID’s integrated efforts focused on improving economic growth and social development in five departments of the Western Highlands region of the country, where historically underserved and excluded rural populations live. Learn more


    Containing the HIV epidemic in Central America protects all populations and allows infected people to live longer with a better quality of life. Learn more

  • Education

    Long-term, sustainable development and improved equity in Guatemala will only be possible if children and youth receive a quality education. Learn more

  • Environment

    USAID supports the protection of Guatemala’s environmental resources through a comprehensive approach that contributes to biodiversity protection and sustainable forest management. Learn more

  • Food Security

    USAID’s Feed the Future activities reduce hunger, malnutrition, and poverty by increasing and stabilizing rural incomes and improving the nutritional status of rural and indigenous populations within the Western Highlands. Learn more

Last updated: October 21, 2022

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