Flag of Guatemala

Local Actor Engagement Opportunities

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There are often opportunities to become involved in USAID activities. Explore our current opportunities below.

Interested parties may be able to participate in planning sessions, enroll as an activity participant, volunteer and intern with existing programs, or even join as a sub-grantee. Our international and local partners also often provide technical assistance, training, knowledge exchange, collaborative learning and other capacity-development opportunities.

  • Community Roots

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a technical and vocational skills development program.
    Location(s): Chiquimula
    Expires: 3/9/2022
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Cooperativa Batalla La Arada
    Contact: Quirino Perez, 57341863
  • Justice and Transparency Project

    Type: Funding Opportunity
    Description: Sub-contract opportunity for organization(s) to implement studies and analysis to examine challenges to the efficiency and effectiveness of the justice sector and / or the barriers to access to justice; accompanied by proposals to address the identified areas for improvement.
    Location(s): Guatemala
    Expires: 6/20/2022
    Implementing Partner(s): Checchi and Company Consulting, Inc., a division of Dexis Consulting Group
  • Justice and Transparency Project

    Type: Funding Opportunity
    Description: Sub-contract opportunity for organization(s) to implement studies and analysis to improve understanding of the challenges and commitments regarding transparency, the fight against corruption and good governance, which are the basis for open justice; accompanied by proposals to address the identified areas for improvement and / or activities designed to encourage citizen participation in open justice issues.
    Location(s): Guatemala
    Expires: 6/20/2022
    Implementing Partner(s): Checchi and Company Consulting, Inc., a division of Dexis Consulting Group
  • Justice and Transparency Project

    Type: Funding Opportunity
    Description: Sub-contract opportunity for organization(s) to implement studies and analysis to improve understanding, transparency, and public participation in the social audit of the nomination process for Attorney General and Head of the Public Ministry.
    Location(s): Guatemala
    Expires: 6/20/2022
    Implementing Partner(s): Checchi and Company Consulting, Inc., a division of Dexis Consulting Group
  • Community Roots

    Type: Organizational Capacity Development / Organizational Technical Assistance / Leadership Development
    Description: Opportunity for local organizations to participate in an organizational capacity development and credit program.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango
    Expires: 9/30/2022
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / ASOCUCH
    Contact: Sergio Romeo Alonzo Tel. 5006 9165
  • Community Roots

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a youth entrepreneurship skill development and certification program.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango
    Expires: 9/30/2022
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Cooperativa San José Obrero
    Contact: Tel. Silvano Jonás: 40095061
  • Community Roots

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a youth entrepreneurship skill development and certification program.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango
    Expires: 9/30/2022
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Asociación Unión Pequeños Caficultores
    Contact: Gerente Jacinto Martínez Tel. 40095368
  • Community Roots

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a youth entrepreneurship skill development and certification program.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango
    Expires: 9/30/2022
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / CIPAC, R.L.
    Contact: Gerente: Carlos Miguel García. Tel. 30189876
  • Nexos Locales

    Type: Participation in USAID Supported Program
    Description: Opportunity for individuals, communities, and organizations in the target areas to participate in a program for establishing production systems for municipalities under coverage.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Quiché
    Expires: 9/30/2022
    Implementing Partner(s): Development Alternatives, Inc. / Asociacion Nacional de las Municipalidades de la Republica de Guatemala (ANAM)
  • Nexos Locales

    Type: Participation in USAID Supported Program
    Description: Opportunity for individuals, communities, and organizations in the target areas to participate in in a program for establishing rainwater catchment systems in communities under coverage.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Quiché
    Expires: 9/30/2022
    Implementing Partner(s): Development Alternatives, Inc. / Asociación Guatemalteca de Alcaldes y Autoridades Indigenas (AGAAI)
  • Nexos Locales

    Type: Participation in USAID Supported Program
    Description: Opportunity for individuals, communities, and organizations in the target areas to participate in a program to strengthen the representation of authorities in formal structures citizen participation.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Quiché
    Expires: 9/30/2022
    Implementing Partner(s): Development Alternatives, Inc. / Asociación Guatemalteca de Alcaldes y Autoridades Indigenas (AGAAI)
  • Addressing the Roots Causes of Migration - IOM

    Type: Funding Opportunity
    Description: Sub-grant opportunity for organizations to partner with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched the Addressing the Root Causes of Irregular Migration in Guatemala project.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Quiché, Sololá, Petén, Retalhuleu, Guatemala, Jutiapa, Jalapa
    Expires: 12/15/2022
    Implementing Partner(s): International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • Puentes

    Type: Funding Opportunity
    Description: Sub-grant opportunity for organizations to implement education, vocational and/or technical skills development initiatives.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Totonicapan, Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individual(s) to participate in an apprenticeship/internship program in areas of organizational/business management as fit the applicants interests and profile.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Totonicapan, Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision
  • Puentes

    Type: Network / Association / Coordination / Collaboration Platform
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a national network of local business management groups.
    Location(s): Totonicapán, Huehuetenango, Quetzaltenango, San Marcos
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / National Association of Management Groups
  • Puentes

    Type: Network / Association / Coordination / Collaboration Platform
    Description: Opportunity to join a network / association of organizations working to strengthen the technical implementation of Environmental Monitoring and MItigation Plans (EMMPS).
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Totonicapan, Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Asociación del Gremio Químico Agrícola – AGREQUIMA -
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individual(s) to participate in an apprenticeship/internship program with a financial institution in areas of organizational/business management as fit the applicants interests and profile.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Totonicapan, Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision/AGREDICOM
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individual(s) to participate in an apprenticeship/internship program with the ACODIHUE Association in areas that fit the applicant's interests and profile.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision/ACODIHUE
    Contact: 40580022
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individual(s) to participate in an apprenticeship/internship program with a financial institution in any/all areas of organizational/business management as fit the applicant's profile.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / YAMAN KUTZ
    Contact: 3/14/84982
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individual(s) to participate in an apprenticeship/internship program with the ASOCIACION ECO in areas that fit the applicant's profile.
    Location(s): San Marcos y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / ASOCIACIÓN ECO
    Contact: asociacióneco@hotmail.com
  • Puentes

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunities for individual(s) and local organizations to work with agro-exporters as promoters and innovators of agriculture extension services.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, San Marcos y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Agro-Exporters
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunities for youth to participate in the services of VUMES.
    Location(s): Quetzaltenango, Chiantla, Tejutla
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / VUMMES
    Contact: 55868655 Chiantla; 33462091 Tejutla; vmexela@gmail.com
  • Puentes

    Type: Participation in USAID Supported Program
    Description: Opportunity for youth work in agriculture / agriculture groups to work with MAGA and School Nutrition programs, and other opportunities for sales of their products.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, Totonicapán, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / MAGA
    Contact: Oficinas departamentales del MAGA . Quetzaltenango y Totonicapán
  • Puentes

    Type: Participation in USAID Supported Program
    Description: Opportunity for individuals / organizations to provide support in the coordination of workshops, forums, trainings,and other technical capacity development activities.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, Totonicapán, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / AGREQUIMA
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in an apprenticeship/internship program for 6 months to develop agricultural extension skills
    Location(s): Quiché y Huehuetenango
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / MAGA
    Contact: Antonieta Maga Chiantla 502 4073 9625, Pedron Angel León Quiché 46336459
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a 6-month agricultural extension apprenticeship/internship program.
    Location(s): En los municipios de cobertura de Cuerpo de Paz
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Peace Corps
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a 6-month agricultural extension apprenticeship/internship program.
    Location(s): Chiantla, Huehuetenango y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / ASOCUCH, COMISION DE LA JUVENTUD CHIANTLA
    Contact: Karina Mendoza Asocuch 502 3121 4955, Telma Cano COMJUVECH 502 3120 2214,
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a 6-month agricultural extension apprenticeship/internship program.
    Location(s): Quetzaltenango
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Casa Hogar Nidia Martínez
    Contact: Zaira Perez hogar la esperanza 502 4066 2249,
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a 6-month agricultural extension apprenticeship/internship program.
    Location(s): Momostenango, Totonicapán
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / CMancuerna de Momostenango, Colegio Kajin Noj Momostenango
    Contact: Evelyn Toto 3004 0412, pedro Ajxup Kajin Noj
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a 6-month agricultural extension apprenticeship/internship program.
    Location(s): Totonicapán
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Cooperativa de comercializacion Redes Empresariales
    Contact: Evelyn Toto 3004 0412
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a 6-month agricultural extension apprenticeship/internship program.
    Location(s): Nebaj, Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / ASAUNIXIL
    Contact: minchocedillo3@gmail.com Francisco Marroquin
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a 6-month agricultural extension apprenticeship/internship program.
    Location(s): Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Barbara Ford
    Contact: lgarcia@cenpaz.org Marta leticia garcia
  • Puentes

    Type: Network / Association / Coordination / Collaboration Platform
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to join a network of community leaders in their work to form new community organizations to strengthen the sustainability of the project.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, Totonicapán, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision/ Mundo Posible
  • Puentes

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunities for youth to form, receive training and support, and develop community theatres in their community to present performances relevant to community needs.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, Totonicapán, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision/ Artzenico
  • Puentes

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: "Opportunity for youth to learn about the Gender Equality in Science, Technology, Engineering, Agricultural Sciences and Mathematics (STEAM) project, develop skills and access resources to carry out theatrical challenges"
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, Totonicapán, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision/ Publisoluciones
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: "Opportunity for youth internship to develop Gender Equality in Science, Technology, Engineering, Agricultural Sciences and Mathematics (STEAM) project skills and strengthen their CREA points"
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, Totonicapán, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Maker UVG
  • Puentes

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: "Opportunity for teacher training in the Gender Equality in Science, Technology, Engineering, Agricultural Sciences and Mathematics (STEAM) area and strengthening of the Punto Crea model as a community innovation center"
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, Totonicapán, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision/ RIED-RIED
  • Puentes

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: "Opportunity for youth 18 years and older to train in facilitating and mentoring youth in Gender Equality in Science, Technology, Engineering, Agricultural Sciences and Mathematics (STEAM) challenges. A voluntary service of at least 6 months is proposed, at the end the badge of Tutos Plus Punto Crea is awarded."
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, Totonicapán, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Punto Crea
  • Puentes

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: "Opportunity for Teacher training in the Gender Equality in Science, Technology, Engineering, Agricultural Sciences and Mathematics (STEAM) STEAM area and strengthening of the Punto Crea model for teachers."
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, Totonicapán, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Ministry of Education
  • Puentes

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for participation in trainings and workshops about LGBTQI and human rights.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision/Puentes
    Contact: Trabajando Unidos... - Trabajando Unidos Huehuetenango | Facebook
  • PUentes

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for training to become a theater tutor and earn a certificate.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, Totonicapán, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango y Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Puentes
  • Puentes

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Multiple Opportunities for internship / apprenticeship placement through local and international universities.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Totonicapan, Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Local and International Universities
  • Puentes

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to receive Mayan language training and additional language support.
    Location(s): Cobertura del Puentes
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Academia de Lenguas Mayas
    Contact: Academia de las Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala – ALMG
  • Puentes

    Type: Participation in USAID Supported Program
    Description: Opportunity for individuals and organizations to participate in project activities to strengthen the promotion of gender and inclusion in the Western Highlands
    Location(s): Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Totonicapan, Quiché
    Expires: 3/31/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Women Transforming the World
  • Community Roots

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a youth entrepreneurship skill development and certification program for coffee baristas and coffee cupping, coffee value chain development, and entrepreneurship tools.
    Location(s): Chiquimula
    Expires: 8/15/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Asociación De Productores De Café De Olopa - APOLO
    Contact: info@apolocafe.gt; https://apolocafe.gt; Eric Ramos, 57426270
  • Community Roots

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for women and youth to participate in an entrepreneurship skill development / economic development program.
    Location(s): Chiquimula
    Expires: 8/20/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Mancomunidad rio Lempa
  • Community Roots

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in an economic empowerment, entrepreneurship, technical capacity development program.
    Location(s): Chiquimula
    Expires: 8/20/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Fundación misericordia
    Contact: Diana Contreras, 49855282 FB, Fundación La Misericordia Hermana Caridad
  • Electoral Governance and Political Reforms Project

    Type: Organizational Capacity Development / Organizational Technical Assistance / Leadership Development
    Description: Opportunity for CSOs to participate in a technical assistance and training program to help them improve their monitoring and oversight capacities and provide them with new tools for electoral observation.
    Location(s): Nationwide
    Expires: 9/30/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): CEPPS/NDI
    Contact: merazo@ndi.org
  • Electoral Governance and Political Reforms Project

    Type: Funding Opportunity
    Description: Sub-grant opportunity for organizations with experience in advocacy and legislative analysis.
    Location(s): Nationwide
    Expires: 9/30/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): CEPPS/NDI
  • Electoral Governance and Political Reforms Project

    Type: Community of Practice / Discussion Forum
    Description: Opportunity for individuals and representatives of organizations to participate in roundtable discussions on legislative agenda (transparency, justice, anti-corruption, electoral and political reform, among others), and public hearings with Congress on key policy proposals or thematic areas.
    Location(s): Nationwide
    Expires: 9/30/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): CEPPS/NDI
  • Electoral Governance and Political Reforms Project

    Type: Funding Opportunity
    Description: Sub-grant opportunity for organizations with experience in advocacy and justice sector issues. Activity will focus on Supreme Court of Justice, Attorney General and Human Rights Ombudsman selection processes.
    Location(s): Nationwide
    Expires: 9/30/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): CEPPS/NDI
  • Electoral Governance and Political Reforms Project

    Type: Community of Practice / Discussion Forum
    Description: Opportunity for individuals and representatives of organizations to participate in roundtable discussions with civic organizations that represent LGBTQI+ groups to discuss measures to address discrimination, violence and hate crimes against the LGBTQI+ population. Local dialogues with citizens and civil society organizations to discuss a legislative agenda to address discrimination, violence and hate crimes against the LGBTQI+ population.
    Location(s): Nationwide
    Expires: 9/30/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): CEPPS/NDI
    Contact: merazo@ndi.org
  • Electoral Governance and Political Reforms Project

    Type: Network / Association / Coordination / Collaboration Platform
    Description: Opportunity for youth to join a cross-cutting network of youth engaged in democracy, governance, and youth leadership/advocacy network.
    Location(s): Nationwide
    Expires: 9/30/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): CEPPS/IRI
    Contact: Diego Palma, dpalma@iri.org
  • Electoral Governance and Political Reforms Project

    Type: Network / Association / Coordination / Collaboration Platform
    Description: Opportunity for youth to join a cross-cutting network and participate in youth leadership and capacity building activities focused on citizen participation and electoral oversight and monitoring.
    Location(s): Nationwide
    Expires: 9/30/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): CEPPS/IRI
    Contact: Diego Palma, dpalma@iri.org
  • Electoral Governance and Political Reforms Project

    Type: Network / Association / Coordination / Collaboration Platform
    Description: Opportunity for youth to join a network of political party youth focused on increasing opportunities for youth leadership and participation within the party system.
    Location(s): Nationwide
    Expires: 9/30/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): CEPPS/IRI
    Contact: Diego Palma, dpalma@iri.org
  • Electoral Governance and Political Reforms Project

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for individual(s) to receive fixed-term programmatic internship with CEPPS/IRI team working on elector governance and political reforms.
    Location(s): Nationwide
    Expires: 9/30/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): CEPPS/IRI
    Contact: Diego Palma, dpalma@iri.org
  • Community Roots

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a psychosocial assistance program.
    Location(s): Guatemala
    Expires: 12/14/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Asociación Visión para el desarrollo ASOVID
    Contact: Delia Urrutia proyectos@asovid.org
  • Community Roots

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for returned migrants to participate in an economic opportunity development program.
    Location(s): Guatemala
    Expires: 12/14/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / GRUPO ENLACE
    Contact: Gustavo Gregorio Ramos asociaciongrupoenlace@gmail.com 7767 6614
  • Community Roots

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a youth skill development program.
    Location(s): Guatemala
    Expires: 12/14/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): World Vision / Secretará de Bienestar Social de la Presidencia - SBS
    Contact: Carlos Humberto Gómez; Carlos Francisco Molina; 2414-3535
  • Community Roots

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for individuals to participate in a technical and vocational skills development program.
    Location(s): Guatemala
    Expires: 12/14/2023
    Implementing Partner(s): Instituto Guatemalteco de Educación Radifónica IGER
    Contact: Geraldina Camargo g.camargo@iger.edu.gt 2305 1010
  • Communities Building Peace Project (Tejiendo Paz)

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for university student to have a supervised practice within an organization in the area of Communications.
    Location(s): Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
    Expires: 11/23/2024
    Implementing Partner(s): Creative Associates
  • Communities Building Peace Project (Tejiendo Paz)

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for university student to have a supervised practice within an organization in the area of Graphic/Web Design.
    Location(s): Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
    Expires: 11/23/2024
    Implementing Partner(s): Creative Associates
  • Communities Building Peace Project (Tejiendo Paz)

    Type: Apprenticeship / Internship / Volunteer Opportunities
    Description: Opportunity for University student to have a supervised practice - Psychology/Social-work.
    Location(s): Totonicapán, San Marcos, Huehuetenango, Quiché
    Expires: 11/23/2024
    Implementing Partner(s): Creative Associates
  • Communities Building Peace Project (Tejiendo Paz)

    Type: Training / Skill Development
    Description: Opportunity for non-governmental organization staff to participate in a virtual course on Conflict Transformation.
    Location(s): Nationwide
    Expires: 11/23/2024
    Implementing Partner(s): Creative Associates
  • Communities Building Peace Project (Tejiendo Paz)

    Type: Funding Opportunity
    Description: Future opportunity to present a proposal for improving the delivery of comprehensive care for LGBTI victims of GBV.
    Location(s): Western Highlands
    Expires: 11/23/2024
    Implementing Partner(s): Creative Associates
  • Communities Building Peace Project (Tejiendo Paz)

    Type: Funding Opportunity
    Description: Future opportunity to present a proposal for leading a communication campaign to prevent discrimination and violence against LGBTI persons.
    Location(s): Western Highlands
    Expires: 11/23/2024
    Implementing Partner(s): Creative Associates
  • Health and Nutrition Project

    Type: Network / Association / Coordination / Collaboration Platform
    Description: Opportunity to participate in health worker network/association in collaboration with INCAP.
    Location(s): Huehuetenango and Quiché
    Expires: 7/30/2025
    Implementing Partner(s): Universidad Rafael Landivar Quetzaltenango

Last updated: October 21, 2022

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