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  • Story

    Administrator Power Discusses Vision for Global Development

    USAID Administrator Samantha Power Discusses Vision for Global Development at Georgetown University Event. Read the story

At USAID, we achieve our mission by working with individuals and organizations around the world. Working together, we find innovative and cost-effective solutions to pressing global challenges.

Locally-led development that empowers and supports local actors in their work to address their development challenges is vital to long-term, sustainable development —and underlies how USAID is changing the way we will engage with local organizations, communities, and leaders.

With the renewed commitment of the U.S. government and the American people, under USAID’s new Centroamerica Local initiative, USAID/Guatemala will engage, strengthen, and fund local organizations to implement development programs. This work will advance sustainable and equitable economic growth, improve governance, fight corruption, protect human rights, improve citizen security, and combat sexual and gender-based violence. These efforts will also advance the U.S. Strategy to Address Root Causes of Migration in Central America and deliver on USAID’s overarching vision to engage and empower local organizations and communities to lead their own development.

What to expect?

  • Improved Outreach and Communication
  • Expanded Opportunities to Engage with USAID/Guatemala
  • Increased Flexibility, Adaptation, and Innovation
  • Shared Commitment to Risk Mitigation

Country Development Cooperation Strategy

All of our work is aligned to the USAID/Guatemala Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS), which lays out USAID’s goals and objectives for a 5-year period. The CDCS is jointly developed by USAID/Guatemala and local stakeholders, and is informed by analysis of country needs, Government of Guatemala development strategies, and USG priorities. The current CDCS covers the years of 2020-2025, and focuses on three development objectives:

  1. Partner with the Government of Guatemala and other stakeholders to increase economic prosperity, inclusion, and stability in areas with high irregular migration.
  2. Partner with the Government of Guatemala and other stakeholders to strengthen effective and accountable governance to improve quality of life and reduce irregular migration.
  3. Partner with the Government of Guatemala and other stakeholders to improve justice and security to reduce irregular migration.

Get Involved with Existing Programs!

There are often opportunities to become involved in USAID activities. Interested parties may be able to participate in planning sessions, enroll as an activity participant, volunteer and intern with existing programs, or even join as a sub-grantee. Our international and local partners also often provide technical assistance, training, knowledge exchange, collaborative learning and other capacity-development opportunities.

Events, Trainings, Forums, Networks, and other Platforms

Participation in USAID-sponsored or supported conferences, forums, training, and other collaboration and coordination platforms.

Knowledge Creation and Sharing

Accessing and contributing knowledge, research, lessons learned, and other resources on USAID websites and other practitioner networks.

Want to Implement a USAID Project?

USAID primarily establishes partnerships via two different types of competitive awards: Acquisition Awards and Assistance Awards. Opportunities can be found in the USAID’s Business Forecast.

Competed Acquisitions Awards

With Acquisition Awards, USAID issues a contract with an organization to provide goods or services that will directly benefit USAID. The Agency solicits Acquisition Awards through Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Requests for Quotations (RFQs). USAID Acquisition awards are announced through beta.SAM.gov (for contracts and consultant opportunities).

Competed Assistance Awards

For Assistance Awards, USAID partners with existing organizations that specialize in the areas that align with USAID/Guatemala development goals. Assistance Awards are implemented through programs that take advantage of the expertise of the organizations that USAID partners with. USAID Assistance Awards are announced through Grants.gov (for grants and cooperative agreements.

More Opportunities

  • Responding to Solicitations

    USAID has prepared full guides to learn more about How to Respond to Award Solicitations. Learn more

  • WorkWithUSAID.org

    Don’t know where to start? Visit WorkWithUSAID.org and learn how to take the first step. Learn more

  • Training Series

    The Agency has created a training series so that prospective partners can learn how to work with us. Learn more

Have a Great Idea That’s Not Covered Above?

When an organization’s work does not fall under topic areas publicized, organizations may consider submitting an unsolicited proposal or application. Organizations can submit unsolicited proposals for Acquisition Awards and unsolicited applications for Assistance Awards. In order for USAID to consider any submissions for Assistance Awards, the application must show how the concept is exceptional, unique, or innovative; that the concept has support by the host country government or private institutions; and that the concept is in line with USAID's development objectives.

Only limited funding may be available for even the best unsolicited proposals and applications, since most funding is reserved for development priorities already established by USAID.

USAID has prepared full guides to learn more about Unsolicited Contract Proposals and Unsolicited Assistance Applications.

Both unsolicited proposals and unsolicited applications should be sent to UnsolicitedProposals@usaid.gov.

Last updated: October 21, 2022

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