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Implementing Partner Opportunities

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USAID partners with organizations through an acquisition (contract) or assistance (grant or cooperative agreement) award, depending on the type of work, the purpose of the funding, and the nature of the relationship between the Agency and the implementing partner. 

Awards for either acquisition or assistance awards typically include indicators and results, budget, and other terms and conditions applicable to the work performed under the award. 

We expect our development partners to achieve high performance and partner with us to provide sustainable development solutions to beneficiaries in the countries we work in around the world.

See Our Process diagram for a comprehensive overview of the main steps in USAID's Acquisition & Assistance award process.

Contact us at vietnam.partnerships@usaid.gov if you have questions or need additional information.

Read about unsolicited proposals.

To find out more about how you can work with USAID, visit: https://www.usaid.gov/work-usaid/how-to-work-with-usaid

How to Work with USAID: Registering to work with USAID

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Last updated: September 12, 2022

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