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Speeches Shim

December 9, 2022

Green Bonds are a relatively new, but rapidly growing, financial instrument that can be used to fund projects with a positive environmental impact. Banks in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand have collectively issued more than $43 billion in Green Bonds in the past five years, but Vietnam has been lagging despite many projects seeking financing. Local Vietnamese commercial banks are only in the early stages of developing green bond products and projects. Between November 29 and December 2, USAID, through its Vietnam Urban Energy Security project, provided training on Green Bonds for 75 staff from Vietnam’s largest banks and financial institutions, including VietinBank, Techcombank, Danang City Development & Investment Fund, and Ho Chi Minh City Finance & Investment State Owned Company.

December 9, 2022

Mental health care services are not widely available in Vietnam, despite the increasing needs of the population, particularly in the post-COVID-19 context. USAID, through its Inclusion-1 project, addressed this challenge in Nui Thanh district of Quang Nam province by training 62 caregivers of persons with significant disabilities on basic mental health self-care and developing a caregiver peer support network. On December 1, in recognition of the International Day for Persons with Disabilities, Inclusion-1 organized an event in Nui Thanh to recognize the caregivers and promote the peer support network.

December 8, 2022

Vietnam’s rapidly growing social media and e-commerce sector is at risk of abuse from advertisers promoting and selling illegal wildlife products on their platforms. On November 30, USAID, through its Saving Threatened Wildlife project, organized a workshop for 70 representatives of social media and e-commerce enterprises to raise awareness of this risk and steps they can take to avoid inadvertently enabling the illegal wildlife trade. Topics discussed included relevant national and international laws regulating the trade of wildlife and e-commerce liabilities, tips on spotting advertisements for illegal wildlife products, and an introduction to the actions being taken by technology companies around the world through the Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online.

December 8, 2022

DONG XOAI, December 8, 2022 – Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) marked the end of a project that has made significant improvements in early childhood disability detection and support in three southern provinces. The accomplishments of the six-year effort, under USAID’s Disabilities Integration of Services and Therapies Network for Capacity and Treatment (DISTINCT) project, were highlighted at a ceremony in Dong Xoai attended by representatives of Vietnam’s Ministry of Health and National Committee for Persons with Disabilities, national agencies and ministries, project implementing partners VietHealth and the Medical Committee Netherlands-Vietnam, and other key partners and stakeholders.

December 2, 2022

USAID’s Improving Access, Curriculum and Teaching in Medical Education and Emerging Diseases (IMPACT MED) Alliance project is supporting ten medical universities in Vietnam to revamp their medical education from theory to competency-based to ensure that Vietnam produces highly-skilled doctors who can meet the health care needs of Vietnam and the region. On November 20, Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy organized a graduation ceremony for the first graduating class of 400 doctors from the reformed program which was developed with support from USAID. USAID Assistant Administrator for the Asia Bureau, Michael Schiffer attended the event and delivered remarks along with Vietnam’s Minister of Health and Vice Minister of Education & Training.


For USAID/Vietnam Newsroom items issued before January 2017, please visit the 2012-2017 Archive Site.


Last updated: December 08, 2022

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