Flag of Sri Lanka

Our Work

Speeches Shim

A woman in Trincomalee repairs nets
USAID reduces socio-economic disparities through a mix of quick impact and longer-term sustainable interventions such as support to this fishing community in Trincomalee.

An island nation located along major trade routes in the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka is critical to maritime and regional stability. USAID partners with Sri Lanka to foster sustainable and inclusive economic growth, promote inclusivity, strengthen governance, and forge a free and prosperous Indo-Pacific region. USAID also works to improve natural disaster and risk management practices, enhance environmental and climate resilience, and improve energy security and sustainability.  


USAID promotes inclusive, market-driven growth and resilience of the country's resources to shocks and stresses. Through activities to promote trade and investment, strengthen the workforce, and improve the business climate for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), USAID supports Sri Lanka through its economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and in its journey to become an advanced economy. 


USAID supports Sri Lanka to mitigate resource shocks and stresses through activities that enhance environmental and climate resilience and improve energy security and sustainability. Activities support innovative approaches to stop the flow of plastic pollution, increase deployment of renewable energy, and mobilize private sector funding for actions that reduce risks associated with extreme weather, climate vulnerability, and climate change.


USAID works in partnership with Sri Lanka to strengthen inclusive governance, build a robust civil society, and promote the rule of law. USAID also works to improve Sri Lankans’ access to balanced and reliable news and partners with the Government and the people of Sri Lanka to strengthen dialogue between multi-ethnic communities.


Frequent natural disasters have led to displacement, destruction, and an increase in the need for quality basic services. Building on decades of partnership, USAID is helping to strengthen government capacity to prepare for disasters and respond effectively when disasters strike. USAID engages directly with impacted communities, focusing on improving access to safe drinking water and providing psychosocial services.

Last updated: November 02, 2022

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