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Sign language reporter Suranga Udari takes photos with her iPhone on a beach in southern Sri Lanka.
As part of her media training through USAID's MEND project, Suranga Udari reported on facemask disposal littering the coastal area of Hikkaduwa in southern Sri Lanka entirely through sign language, making her Sri Lanka's first sign language reporter.


USAID works in partnership with Sri Lanka to strengthen inclusive governance by improving the responsiveness of government institutions, elevating rights and tolerance, and increasing informed public participation. Activities help to build a robust civil society; strengthen government institutions and accountability; increase access to balanced, accurate information through the media; and promote dialogue and conflict mitigation among multi-ethnic, multi-religious communities.


CIVIL SOCIETY IMPACT (CSI): Through the Civil Society Impact project, USAID provides direct grants to civil society organizations to expand their technical and organizational capacity and continue their local work to advance economic governance, bolster gender equality, empower youth, and protect the environment. The project also directly supports organizations working to prevent sexual and gender-based violence, protect and promote citizens’ rights, and combat trafficking in persons. Implementing Partner: Multiple; Total Estimated Cost: $13.5 million; Performance Period: June 2021 – June 2026

EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE JUSTICE (EEJ): This project strengthens rule of law in Sri Lanka by partnering with the Ministry of Justice to support improvements to the justice system to meet international standards for rule of law and justice. The project supports the adoption of modern technology, training, and reforms to introduce the features of a well-functioning and modern justice system. Activities to advance gender and social inclusion are integrated into every component of this project. Implementing Partner: Chemonics International Inc.; Total Estimated Cost: $15 million; Performance Period: September 2021 – July 2025.

INCLUSIVE PARTICIPATORY PROCESSES (IPP): The IPP project works with the Parliament of Sri Lanka and multiple political parties to strengthen their oversight and representational capacity to respond to the democratic aspirations of the Sri Lankan people. It supports civil society institutions to increase the inclusion of youth, women, and other underrepresented groups in civic and political life. The project also builds the institutional and technical capacities of the Election Commission toward safeguarding democratic principles. Implementing Partners: National Democratic Institute, International Republican Institute, International Foundation for Electoral Systems; Total Estimated Cost: $17 million; Performance Period: July 2020 – June 2024    

INCREASED DEMAND AND ENGAGEMENT FOR ACCOUNTABILITY (IDEA): USAID’s IDEA project encourages a vibrant civil society in Sri Lanka that empowers citizens to advance democratic values of citizen participation and government accountability on a range of governance and reform issues. IDEA works with civil society organizations to strengthen their organizational capacity, protect and enhance their operational environment, and support their ability to advocate for good governance reforms. Implementing Partner: Management Systems International; Total Estimated Cost: $13.9 million; Performance Period: February 2018 – February 2024

MEDIA EMPOWERMENT FOR A DEMOCRATIC SRI LANKA (MEND): The MEND project strengthens the ability of the media sector to improve citizens’ access to balanced, reliable, and objective news. It works to improve media organizations’ internal management and operations; strengthen journalists’ capacity to provide informed, impartial, and ethical reporting on key policy issues; and help the media to serve as a forum for national dialogue. Implementing Partner: International Research and Exchanges Board, Inc.; Total Estimated Cost: $7.9 million; Performance Period: August 2017 – April 2023 

SOCIAL COHESION AND RECONCILIATION (SCORE): The SCORE project strengthens Sri Lankan-led efforts to advance social cohesion and reconciliation. Through a mix of quick impact and longer-term, sustainable interventions, SCORE promotes a cohesive Sri Lankan identity, reduces socio-economic disparities and exclusion, and enhances community resilience. It connects and empowers youth and women to work across ethnic and religious groups to address issues identified by their communities and it strengthens the ability of local governments and community-based organizations to provide critical services, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Implementing Partner: Global Communities; Total Estimated Cost: $19.1 million; Performance Period: July 2018 – December 2023

SCORE COLLABORATIVE ANALYSIS OF RECONCILIATION DYNAMICS TOOL (SCORE CARD): SCORE CARD serves as an external learning tool to inform and complement USAID's SCORE project and provide localized data on community-level understanding and dynamics of reconciliation in Sri Lanka. Implementing Partner: United States Institute for Peace; Total Estimated Cost: $700,000; Performance Period: August 2018 – February 2024


Last updated: November 02, 2022

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