• USAID trains reporters in Sri Lanka, including its first sign language reporter.

  • USAID supports youth volunteers to provide COVID-19 support in Sri Lanka.

Flag of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

Language: English
USAID provides critical equipment to Sri Lanka's Ministry of Health, supporting high-risk COVID-19 patients requiring maternal and neonatal care.
USAID provides critical equipment to Sri Lanka's Ministry of Health, supporting high-risk COVID-19 patients requiring maternal and neonatal care.
Click to read: She Leads! Empowering Women Leaders in Sri Lanka
She Leads! Empowering Women Leaders in Sri Lanka
A Sri Lankan Woman’s Story on Conquering the Local Market Share Fashionably
A Sri Lankan Woman’s Story on Conquering the Local Market Share Fashionably

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

About Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an island nation located next to vital sea lanes in the Indian Ocean that carry half of the world's container shipments and two-thirds of the world’s oil shipments. Home to more than 21 million people, Sri Lanka continues to navigate a path toward self-reliance after a 26-year conflict, several natural disasters, the 2019 terrorist attacks, and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Since 1956 – five years before the inception of USAID – the U.S. Government has provided development and humanitarian assistance to Sri Lanka to promote a healthy, educated, and employed population. As Sri Lanka’s largest export market, the United States is in a strong position to support the country’s economic growth. USAID’s current program supports the Government of Sri Lanka’s efforts to promote inclusive economic growth, strengthen its democratic systems, and support marginalized and disaster-affected communities. 

USAID activities in Sri Lanka align with the U.S. Government’s vision to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific in which all nations are connected, prosperous, resilient, and secure. 

Sri Lanka Country Profile

Contact Information

Mission Contact

Gabriel Grau, Mission Director
United States Agency for International Development
No. 210, Galle Road
Colombo 3
Sri Lanka
+94 (11) 202-8000

USAID Contact

Sanjay Iyer, Country Desk Officer Sri Lanka/Maldives
USAID Asia Bureau/SCAA
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington DC
(202) 712-4853

Last updated: November 02, 2022

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