USAID/BHA Resilience Food Security Activity

Speeches Shim

USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) is committed to enhancing the resilience of vulnerable populations around the world. USAID/BHA’s resilience programming helps save lives, strengthen livelihoods, and build people’s capacities to better manage shocks and stresses. Using all of these approaches, USAID/BHA strengthens capacities of vulnerable populations to combat malnutrition, reduce morbidity and mortality, promote economic growth, minimize disaster risks, improve food security, and adapt to climate change. USAID/BHA uses a multi sectoral, integrated activity design that sustainably improves outcomes, as well as strengthens the adaptive, absorptive, and transformative capacities of vulnerable communities. For general inquiries about the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, please email


DFSA - Development Food Security Activity    
ER4 - Early Recovery, Risk Reduction, and Resilience    
ESR - Environmental Status Report    
IEE - Initial Environmental Examination    
FY - Fiscal Year    
L-FFP - Legacy Food For Peace    
M&E - Monitoring and Evaluation    
PREP - Pipeline and Resource Estimate Proposal    
RFA - Request for Application    
RFSA - Resilience Food Security Activity    

ETHIOPIA - Deadline September 25, 2020

Market Analysis      
Country Development Cooperation Strategy    
Beneficiary and Commodity Tracking Table Template     
Bellmon Analysis    

HAITI - Deadline June 25, 2021

Executive Summary Table & Annual Estimate of Requirements    
Market Analysis    
Food Security & Desk Review Analysis    
Baseline Study Report EnglishFrench    
Climate Risks    

MOZAMBIQUE - Deadline October 27, 2021

Request for Application (RFA)    
Executive Summary Table and Estimate of Requirements      
Zambezia Market Analysis    
RFA Questions and Answers (Q&A)    
RFA Q&A Attachment 1 - LNS-PLW    
RFA Q&A Attachment 2 - SQ-LNS    
RFA Q&A Attachment 3 - LNS-SQ PLW    


USAID/BHA ER4 Page    
Guidance for Working in COVID-19 Environments    
Participant Financial Analysis    
Legacy FFP Technical Reference for DFSA    
Sample Budget    
Sample Budget Narrative    
Refine and Implement Overview & FAQ    
Environmental Risk Management and Compliance    
Environmental Procedures - Development    
Environmental Safeguard Guidance    
Commodity Calculator    
Commodity & Ocean Freight Price Estimates    
BHA FY23 Call Forward Schedule    
Web-Based Supply Chain Management    
Livestock Certification    
Seed Growers Declaration of Quality    
Fertilizer Template    
Pharmaceutical Templates     
FSN Network Resource Library    


PREP Guidance    
FY22 ESR Template    
EST, AER, RC & CP PREP Templates - June 2022    
Pipeline Analysis Sample    
PREP Completeness Checklist Template    
AAMP Site    


FY22 RFSA Annual Reporting Guidance    


Guidance for Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting    
Indicator Performance Tracking Table Template    
Indicator List    
Indicator Handbook Part I: Indicators for Baseline and Endline Surveys    
Indicator Handbook - Supplemental to Part I: Baseline/Endline Questionnaire and Indicator Tabulations    
Indicator Handbook Part I: Questionnaire Template    
Indicator Handbook Part II: Monitoring Indicators    

Last updated: October 11, 2022

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