Early Recovery, Risk Reduction, and Resilience (ER4)

Speeches Shim

USAID gives the communities the tools they need to be resilient to future crises. Early recovery efforts protect/restore basic systems and services. Risk reduction programs prevent/reduce risks associated with chronic and recurrent hazards. Resilience programs help people, communities, and countries mitigate, adapt to and recover from shocks and stress.

Over the past decade, humanitarian crises have grown more protracted and complex, moving beyond responding to sudden-onset disasters to addressing chronic vulnerabilities and reducing the overall impact of recurrent shocks and stresses. In addition to leading the U.S. Government’s response to international disasters, USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance provides the foundations for transformative change and self-reliance through our support of early recovery, risk reduction, and resilience (ER4) programs. Our goal is to improve the lives of those vulnerable to or affected by crisis, unconditionally and impartially, so that all whom we serve are treated with dignity and respect. Our Strategic Framework for Early Recovery, Risk Reduction, and Resilience lays out our approach to these critical activities.

FY 2021 Early Recovery, Risk Reduction, and Resilience Programs Fact Sheets

FY 2020 Development and Disaster Risk Reduction Fact Sheets

Last updated: October 26, 2022

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