World Humanitarian Day

Speeches Shim

World Humanitarian Day - August 19, 2022
USAID’s humanitarian partners continue to face unprecedented challenges, responding to crises and delivering aid amid ongoing conflict, the climate crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic. We honor their service and sacrifice.


This World Humanitarian Day, we recognize the tremendous service of all of our humanitarian heroes.

August 19 marks World Humanitarian Day, a time to recognize aid workers who have sacrificed their own lives to help people affected by global crises. Since the deaths of 22 UN and relief agency staff in a Baghdad bombing 19 years ago, each year we honor the brave women and men who risk everything to help people in need.

In 2022, 303 million people require humanitarian assistance worldwide, a significant increase from the decades-high number of people in need last year. For many communities across the globe, life-threatening crises are becoming increasingly complex, as climate change, increasing conflicts, and the COVID-19 pandemic intensify hunger, deepen poverty, and escalate competition over scarce resources.

The same factors driving unprecedented levels of need are also contributing to an increasingly dangerous operating environment for relief workers. Last year alone, at least 460 aid workers were killed, injured, or kidnapped. Despite these risks, aid workers continue to put their lives on the line to respond to crises worldwide, including climate-related disasters—such as cyclones and flash flooding—that are occurring with greater frequency and intensity.

The United States has a long and distinguished history of helping people in need. This year, five elite USAID Disaster Assistance Response Teams (DARTs) were deployed to respond to the conflict in Ukraine and ongoing crises in Afghanistan, northern Ethiopia, Syria, and Venezuela. Around the world, our disaster teams and our humanitarian partners are providing lifesaving food assistance, safe drinking water, shelter, medical care, critical relief supplies, and protection for vulnerable groups. Learn more about USAID's life saving humanitarian work.



We want to show you what humanitarian aid is! Watch and find out.


On World Humanitarian Day, We Want to Say Thank You.


Honoring Humanitarians Who Put Their Lives on the Line to Save Others                 

Last updated: September 20, 2022

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