BHA Emergency Application Guidelines

Speeches Shim


BHA COVID-19 Supplemental Guidance Jan 4, 2021
BHA New COVID-19 Indicators: Performance Indicator Reference Sheets Jun 17, 2020
COVID-19 Initial Environmental Examination - ARPA ESF May 12, 2021


Summary of Changes  September 6, 2022
Common Requirements September 6, 2022
Sector Requirements September 6, 2022
Indicator HandbookGoogle Doc | MS Word September 6, 2022
Activity Summary TableGoogle Doc | MS Word September 6, 2022
Checklist of Required ElementsGoogle Doc | MS Word September 6, 2022


Summary of Changes  December 6, 2022
Common Requirements December 12, 2022
Activity Summary TableGoogle Doc | MS Word December 6, 2022
Checklist of Required ElementsGoogle Doc | MS Word December 6, 2022






AAMP Site    
Application Submission Information Session  
AAMP Frequently Asked Questions July 2021
BHA RFA for Augmenting Humanitarian Capacity for Infectious Disease Emergencies with Epidemic or Pandemic Potential (IDAP) August 8, 2022
BHA Global APS for Transforming the International Humanitarian Data Ecosystem June 15, 2022
BHA Global APS for Transforming the International Humanitarian Data Ecosystem - Q&A June 15, 2022
BHA Global APS for Humanitarian Capacity and System Strengthening June 1, 2021
BHA Global APS for Humanitarian Capacity and System Strengthening - Q&A May 18, 2021
ITT Suggested Template April 20, 2021
Voluntary Survey on Faith-Based and Community Organizations June 29, 2004
Certifications and Assurances May 18, 2020
Branding and Graphic Standards Manual July 12, 2016
Self-Certification Guidance and Template September 20, 2012
Emergency M&E Guidance February 2022
Reporting Template for Emergency Awards September 1, 2021
FY22 Emergency Annual Reporting Guidance August 31, 2022
Supplemental Guidance for Partners in Syria December 7, 2021


SF-424, A, B, C, D, & Instructions September 7, 2020
SF-425 April 9, 2019
Budget Template Guidance December 30, 2020
Budget Narrative Example December 30, 2020
Sample Pipeline Analysis March 12, 2021
Budget Template - IDA December 30, 2020
Budget Template - Title II December 30, 2020
Commodity Calculator November 1, 2022


ADS 319: Partner Vetting January 15, 2021
Afghanistan Mission Order October 24, 2022
Iraq Mission Order August 16, 2022
Lebanon Mission Order December 17, 2021
Pakistan Mission Order August 16, 2022
Syria Vetting Procedures May 25, 2016
West Bank/Gaza Mission Order 2007
West Bank/Gaza Mission Order Addendum 2017
Yemen Vetting Procedures August 16, 2022


Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLIN) Request September 30, 2021
Global IEE for LLIN N/A
Pesticide Treated Seeds Request Form November 1, 2022
Pesticide Treated Seeds PERSUAP N/A
Fall Armyworm in Africa PERSUAP May 30, 2019
PEA for Malaria Vector Control January 2017
PEA for Phosphine Fumigation N/A
Fumigation Management Plan (FMP) Template November 2013
Construction PERSUAP March 2020


Seed Grower Declaration of Quality - Agriculture Annex A September 29, 2020
Fertilizer Template - Agriculture Annex B September 29, 2020
Livestock Certification - Agriculture Annex C September 7, 2020


USG Modality Decision Tool for Humanitarian Assistance (MDT) February 22, 2018
____-for-Work September 14, 2020
Simple Profitability CBA Tool for Livelihoods September 29, 2020


Modality Decision Tool Nutrition Addendum April 26, 2021
Specialized Food Table 2016


Pharmaceutical Guidance October 2, 2020
Pharmaceutical Templates October 2, 2020
Pharmaceutical Disposition Templates September 7, 2020


Common Comments November 2021
Fuel-Efficient Stove Programs in Humanitarian Settings: An Implementer’s Toolkit June 2010


Call Forward Schedule October 7, 2022
Supply Chain Logistics Resources September 29, 2020
Commodity Catalog of Non-Food Items September 29, 2020
Environmental Sustainability October 1, 2022


Sample Needs Assessment - WASH Annex A September 25, 2020
Design and Bill of Quantities Guidance - WASH Annex B September 25, 2020
Surveillance Plan - WASH Annex C October 21, 2020


BHA Functional Policy 20-01: Eligible Uses of Title II-Associated Costs, Monetization Proceeds, and Community Development Funds for BHA Awards Effective October 1, 2020
BHA Functional Policy 20-02: Procedure to Determine Compliance with the Conditions of the Bellmon Amendment for Title II Awards Effective October 1, 2020
BHA Functional Policy 20-03: Award Requirements for Source and Origin of Local, Regional, and International Procurement (LRIP) of Food Commodities Effective October 1, 2020
Related Sectors of Work 

Last updated: December 12, 2022

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