
Speeches Shim

October 17, 2022

Windhoek, Namibia – The U.S. Government has supported Namibia’s Ministry of Health and Social Services in fighting COVID-19 since the virus arrived in the country. After two years of a prolonged battle against the pandemic, all COVID-19 related restrictions were removed in July 2022. However, the country needs to be prepared for a possible resurgence.

Vann Rolfson, Acting USAID Country Representative, and Beauty Kwenda, NARP Chief of Party at Project Hope Namibia (left) with John Hango, Regional Health Director, and Honorable Mathew Shikongo, Councillor for the Ongenga Constituency (right) together with program beneficiaries celebrating that 90% of the NARP-enrolled children living with HIV in Namibia’s Ohangwena Region are virally suppressed.
October 13, 2022

HIV concentration in 90% of children living with the virus in Namibia’s Ohangwena Region is so low that a blood test cannot detect HIV anymore. This is the encouraging result of strict adherence to antiretroviral therapy and other support services provided by Project Hope’s Namibia Adherence and Retention Project (NARP).

USAID Southern Africa MD addressing an investor session
August 3, 2022

No matter where I go in South Africa…whether here in Johannesburg…or in Cape Town…or Durban…I have been struck by the passion and resilience of South Africans…particularly the desire among South Africans to build a more secure, democratic, inclusive, and prosperous country.  

July 22, 2022

Well done to you all for working so hard over these past four weeks to successfully complete the requirements of your training. On behalf of the USAID/Southern Africa Regional Mission…it is indeed a great pleasure for me to join you the new graduates of the YALI Regional Leadership Center for Southern Africa.  

USAID Southern Africa Mission Director visits Lesotho
July 11, 2022

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Southern Africa  Mission Director Mr. Andrew “Andy” Karas arrived in Lesotho for his first official visit to the  Mountain Kingdom. Mr. Karas met with members of the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho and USAID Lesotho’s partners to observe progress of the U.S. Government’s development partnership with Lesotho, which works to ensure a brighter future for the  nation’s citizens. 


Last updated: October 18, 2022

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