Yaajeende Community Based Solution Providers

Speeches Shim

The USAID|Yaajeende project is promoting the CBSP (community based solution provider) as the primary link between local producer and leading input suppliers. The CBSP works with local farmers to provide them with access to quality seeds and fertilizers, improved tools, financing and to broker sales of their produce to buyers. The CBSP is simultaneously a sales agent for products, a broker of services and a technical consultant. For his work, he receives a commission from both the producer and the supplier. Besides selling products, the existing network of 600 CBSPs provides essential agricultural services such as crop spraying, irrigation maintenance, livestock vaccination and land preparation/crop maintainance. USAID|Yaajeende is also piloting CBSP activities in the nutrition sector where entrepreneurs sell fortified foods and nutrition products such as iodized salt, enriched flours for infants, micronutrient powders made locally from Baobab fruit and Jujube and water purification tablets called Aquatabs. Already sales of these products are increasing.

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Last updated: November 30, 2022

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