Latest News | Peru

Speeches Shim

Last updated: July 26, 2021

July 16, 2021

USAID together with Cedro, through the CR3CE Alliance (Alliance for digital and financial services) and Internet for All, have signed a cooperation agreement to bring connectivity to 53 rural communities in Peru, achieving digital inclusion and social and economic development of thousands of Peruvian families.

March 31, 2021

During the last 6 months, Save the Children and USAID, through the project Prevention in our hands: healthy and protected families, have assisted vulnerable families in North Lima and Piura so that they are better prepared to face the COVID19 pandemic. 

March 9, 2021

Since 2016, the Peru Cacao Alliance, an initiative supported by USAID, have been working in the Peruvian Amazon, to improve the income of 24,000 cacao-producing families so they can find in this crop, a legal, profitable and environmentally sustainable alternative.

Participantes del evento de lanzamiento del programa DEPE
March 4, 2021

La corrupción es el problema estructural más complejo que afronta el Perú y afecta significativamente a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyMEs) de todas las regiones del país.

February 5, 2021

As part of the cooperation of the United States Government to Peru in the fight against covid19, the National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (DEVIDA) delivered 70 medical oxygen balloons, donated by USAID in alliance with Partners in Health, to 17 health centers in the regions of Huánuco, San Martín and Ucayali in the Peruvian Amazon that have been severely hit by the pandemic.
