Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

Speeches Shim

USAID/BHA ME&L Advisor Dramane Mariko facilitates a conversation with beneficiaries in Mali.
USAID/BHA ME&L Advisor Dramane Mariko facilitates a conversation with beneficiaries in Mali.
Photo: USAID

USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) integrates monitoring, evaluation, and learning (ME&L) into emergency response, early recovery, disaster risk reduction, and resilience food security activities worldwide enabling staff to track program progress and results as well as enhance program effectiveness through the generation and application of evidence. Monitoring and evaluation facilitate the systematic collection and analysis of data to generate evidence, and interventions supported by evidence improves program effectiveness and quality. Combined, monitoring, evaluation, and learning improve planning, design, and resource-allocation decisions, building a body of knowledge and understanding that can be shared and applied across countries and sectors. In FY 2021, USAID/BHA supported ME&L activities in 12 countries.

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Last updated: October 06, 2022

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