Regional Overviews

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Humanitarian Assistance in Review

The Humanitarian Assistance in Review for each region details funding and support from USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance over the past 10 years.

Humanitarian Snapshots FY2021

USAID/BHA in Central Africa FY2021 (120kb PDF)
USAID/BHA in East Africa and Sudans FY2021 (119kb PDF)
USAID/BHA in East Asia and the Pacific FY2021 (116kb PDF)
USAID/BHA in Latin America and the Caribbean FY2021 (117kb PDF)
USAID/BHA in Middle East, North Africa, and Europe FY2021 (119kb PDF)
USAID/BHA in South and Central Asia FY2021 (120kb PDF)
USAID/BHA in Southern Africa FY2021 (143kb PDF)
USAID/BHA in West Africa FY2021 (144kb PDF)


Central Africa (211kb PDF)
East Asia and the Pacific (234kb PDF)
Middle East, North Africa, and Europe(211kb PDF)
Latin America and the Caribbean (248kb PDF)
South and Central Asia (283kb PDF)
Southern Africa (198kb PDF)
West Africa (201kb PDF)
East Africa and the Sudans(183kb PDF)


East and Central Africa (718kb PDF)
East Asia and the Pacific (503kb PDF)
Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia (822kb PDF)
Latin America and the Caribbean (437kb PDF)
South Asia (283kb PDF)
Southern Africa (562kb PDF)
West Africa (719kb PDF)


East and Central Africa (739kb PDF)
East Asia and the Pacific (495kb PDF)
Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia (815kb PDF)
Latin America and the Caribbean (436kb PDF)
South Asia (278kb PDF)
Southern Africa (566kb PDF)
West Africa (714kb PDF)


East and Central Africa (837kb PDF)
East Asia and the Pacific (535kb PDF)
Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia (853kb PDF)
Latin America and the Caribbean (463kb PDF)
South Asia (307kb PDF)
Southern Africa (570kb PDF)
West Africa (728kb PDF)


East and Central Africa (839kb PDF)
East Asia and the Pacific (535kb PDF)
Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia (587kb PDF)
Latin America and the Caribbean (463kb PDF)
South Asia (309kb PDF)
Southern Africa (586kb PDF)
West Africa (749kb PDF)


East and Central Africa (249kb PDF)
East Asia and the Pacific (182kb PDF)
Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia (141kb PDF)
Latin America and the Caribbean (168kb PDF)
South Asia (172kb PDF)
Southern Africa (256kb PDF)
West Africa (189kb PDF)


East and Central Africa (249kb PDF)
East Asia and the Pacific (168kb PDF)
Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia (138kb PDF)
Latin America and the Caribbean (165kb PDF)
South Asia (164kb PDF)
Southern Africa (168kb PDF)
West Africa (198kb PDF)

Regional Snapshots

Regional Snapshots outline recent humanitarian events in a region, response challenges, and USAID/OFDA priorities for providing assistance based on lessons learned.


East and Central Africa (261kb PDF)
East Asia and the Pacific (206kb PDF)
Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia (226kb PDF)
Latin America and the Caribbean (240kb PDF)
South Asia (1mb PDF)
Southern Africa (143kb PDF)
West Africa (156kb PDF)

Related Sectors of Work 

Last updated: June 07, 2022

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