International Food Relief Partnership (IFRP)

Speeches Shim

International Food Relief Partnership (IFRP)

Established in 2000, the International Food Relief Partnership (IFRP) is a Title II-funded program to support the production, packaging, and stockpiling of specialized (ready-to-use), shelf-stable prepackaged foods, and also for the transport, delivery and distribution of those commodities by U.S. and non-U.S. non-profit and Public International Organizations (PIO).

The primary goal of the program is to enhance the food security and nutritional status of vulnerable populations across the globe – including at risk infants/young children, orphans, pregnant/lactating women, the elderly, and other similar groups – through direct food distribution programs primarily in institutional settings such as health clinics, schools and community centers. Currently, the commodities available under the program are either specialized ready-to-use supplementary foods, or a fortified micro-nutrient lentil/vegetable soup mix. 

Hand in hand with these food distributions, grantees also provide training on food preparation and nutrition to prevent malnutrition among beneficiaries. 

A secondary goal of IFRP is to expand USAID/BHA's base of non-profit organizations capable of managing U.S. government-funded international food aid programs. Through this program, USAID/BHA works to increase the capacity of selected (non-traditional) food aid implementing partners. For inquiries about the International Food Relief Partnership, please email

IFRP Guidance and Requests for Applications:


Last updated: October 11, 2022

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