Flag of El Salvador

Our Work

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Speeches Shim

USAID addresses the drivers of irregular migration by working with the government and people of El Salvador for a country that is more prosperous, safe, and well governed so Salvadorans believe they can thrive at home. Security activities help create safe communities, reduce crime and violence, and strengthen the justice system so that criminals are brought to justice. Through education, job training, and partnerships with business, USAID increases employment opportunities, particularly for youth, who, without alternatives, would be more likely to attempt to migrate irregularly. USAID improves government transparency and accountability and promotes citizen oversight of public resources to reduce corruption. Our work helps Salvadorans envision a brighter future in El Salvador.

Greater Security

To improve security, USAID works in urban areas with high crime rates, where people are more likely to attempt to migrate, with programs that prevent crime, provide protection for crime victims and other vulnerable populations, and improve the criminal justice system. USAID supports the government and communities to develop and implement national and local violence prevention policies and programs. To protect vulnerable populations and victims, USAID increases access to services for victims and helps strengthen measures to prevent human rights abuses by law enforcement entities. USAID helps strengthen the justice system to detect, investigate, and prosecute violent crimes and corruption, placing particular emphasis on support services for crime victims.  

Economic Growth

USAID helps create greater economic opportunities by facilitating  job creation and job training and placement for likely migrants, and addressing key barriers to trade, investment, and access to capital to mobilize Salvadoran and international private sector investment in key sectors driving employment. USAID is helping Salvadoran small businesses to grow and create new jobs, so that people can find dependable, good-paying work at home. Boosting trade is another way to assist Salvadoran firms increase jobs and incomes. USAID works with Salvadoran authorities to streamline and improve border management and customs procedures, helping trade flow and grow more quickly.  Job training programs align workforce skills with productive sector needs. These activities target people that are most likely to attempt irregular migration, giving them a career path and placing them in jobs. Support for quality education at the primary and secondary level, and alternative education programs, improve school retention and prepare youth for future employment.  

Good Governance

USAID promotes greater transparency, accountability, and more responsive governance to improve citizens’ confidence in both national and municipal level government. USAID also supports transparent elections, political party strengthening and citizen advocacy to help build and maintain confidence in these systems and the accountability of elected officials. At the national level, USAID supports transparent public financial management and anti-corruption systems to boost the government’s ability to generate and effectively utilize its own resources to support development. USAID also works with municipal governments to help create vibrant, prosperous neighborhoods by reclaiming and revitalizing public spaces and improving basic services to encourage people to remain in their community. Activities help enhance citizen oversight and advocacy to advance government accountability and transparency and expose corruption.  

Last updated: November 17, 2022

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