Flag of El Salvador

El Salvador

Language: English | Spanish
El Salvador's Journey to Self-Reliance: USAID's Legacy
El Salvador’s Journey to Self-Reliance
#ESacción: USAID support to Salvadorans taking action
USAID support to Salvadorans taking action
#ESacción: USAID support to young entrepreneurs in El Salvador
USAID support to young entrepreneurs in El Salvador

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

About El Salvador

USAID has worked together with the government and people of El Salvador since January 1962 to advance the country’s economic and social development, strengthen democracy, preserve its environment, respond to natural disasters, and to improve the health and well-being of Salvadorans.

USAID’s strategic vision for El Salvador is a more prosperous and safe country, supported by a transparent and accountable government, where people believe they can have a better life at home.

USAID helps stem the flow of irregular migration to the United States by addressing the root causes that drive Salvadorans north--
insecurity, lack of economic opportunities, corruption, and inadequate provision of government services. Security activities help create safe communities, reduce crime and violence, advance human rights, and strengthen the justice system to protect victims and bring criminals to justice. USAID promotes government transparency and accountability and citizen oversight and helps improve the delivery of government services.

USAID education programs target vulnerable communities and help keep youth in school. Through investment promotion, job training, and partnerships with business, USAID increases employment opportunities for populations, who, without alternatives, would be more likely to attempt to migrate.

Through its Central America and Mexico Regional Program, USAID works with the governments of the region, the private sector and local organizations to address underlying security, governance, and economic conditions driving irregular migration from Central America to the United States. Programs address regional challenges to economic prosperity, governance and security, and environment and health.

Related Links

Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2020-2025

Regional Development Cooperation Strategy 2022-2027 Central America and Mexico

El Salvador Country Profile


Contact Information

Mission Contact

Christopher Cushing, Mission Director
United States Embassy
Final Boulevard Santa Elena
Antiguo Cuscatlán
La Libertad, El Salvador, C.A.
El Salvador
011 (503) 2501-2999
011 (503) 2501-3401

USAID Contact

Colleen Jones
, DC 

Last updated: November 17, 2022

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