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Speeches Shim

July 17, 2019

 El Salvador has made has made social and economic advances, including improved literacy rates, reduced infant and maternal mortality, increased trade, and generally, a succession of free and fair elections and peaceful government transitions. Despite these gains, insecurity from gang-related violence and lack of economic opportunity drive thousands of Salvadorans to attempt to irregularly migrate to the United States.

July 10, 2019

The Supérate Program was founded by the Sagrera Palomo Foundation in El Salvador in 2004.  With private sector funding, Supérate serves students from at-risk public schools, ages 13 through 18, who have demonstrated high academic performance and a high desire and potential for self-improvement.  The program helps reduce illegal immigration by giving youth the opportunity to realize their full potential in El Salvador.

July 10, 2019

The Education and Coexistence project is a Global Development Alliance (public-private partnership) with the Salvadoran Business Foundation for Educational Development (FEPADE) to leverage private sector support for safe schools and communities for crime prevention and to reduce illegal migration to the United States.

July 10, 2019

The Education for Children and Youth Project creates safe learning environments to help keep children in school and away from crime and violence.  Since 2013, the project has reached 677 schools in 25 high crime municipalities under El Salvador’s national security plan, benefitting over 100,000 students.

July 10, 2019

USAID’s Domestic Resource Mobilization Project helps increase tax revenue, generate new domestic revenue, improve budgeting and spending practices, and increase fiscal transparency through public dialogue. Through an efficient, transparent tax system, USAID helps El Salvador increase its own resources for security, education and social services to reduce illegal immigration.


Last updated: November 17, 2022

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